PCM9GA members and guests gather near track prior to PCM9GA sponsored third race. Left to right: Bruce Hulbert, Doug Wainwright, Sherry Wainwright, Margaret Hulbert, Lila Garner, Bob Garner, Kathy Eckert, Dave Eckert, JoAnne Clements, Randy Prinz and President of PCM9GA Ray Clements

Exhilaration – Five winning tickets for one race. Left to right: Kathy Eckert, JoAnne Clements, Ray Clements

PCM9GA members and guests view race horse, trainers and jockey. Left to right: Bruce Hulbert, Margaret Hulbert, Randy Prinz, Kathy Eckert, Dave Eckert, JoAnne Clements, Ray Clements, Lila Garner, Bob Garner, Doug Wainwright and Sherry Wainwright
Erv Stein
Our PCM9GA group, with our ever increasing and soaring membership roll now over 300 members, has evolved over the years as a tightly knitted and fun loving group and has fostered a ton of close and loyal friendships through the years. That being said, our current executive board, which has excelled in bringing some meaningful innovative new group activities, organized and conducted our first off campus non-golfing event at Turf Paradise on Monday, January 19. Thanks to the efforts of Don Drummond who did an awesome job of organizing this event, 55 of our PCM9GA members, wives and guests, via a chartered bus, simply had a terrific time at the races with some guests coming up with some real winnings in a few races.
Again, thanks to Don Drummond, the Turf Paradise staff went all out to accommodate our PCM9GA group and provided an excellent buffet lunch and most favored seating arrangements and, in addition, sponsored a PM9GA race, Race 3, which was won by Wild Excess. Also the Turf Paradise staff arranged for a tour of the facilities and a close up view of the horses, trainers and jockeys prior to the racing activities. As stated, everyone enjoyed themselves tremendously regardless of what their winnings or losses were and we all look forward to many such future great PCM9GA events.
The PCM9GA membership continues its ever expanding and soaring growth rate with the current membership now somewhat over 300 members which represents well over a 600% increase in the past several years. Our PCM9GA highly encourages new prospective members to join our fun loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The annual $50 cost includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.org or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.