Bruce Hulbert
As a warmup for the PebbleCreek Men’s 9 Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) Holiday Gala to be held on the following evening, the Association, now 373 members strong, held a Cha Cha Cha Tournament on December 14 on the Palms and Lakes courses at Tuscany Falls.
The Cha Cha Cha format is a team format with the team score being the one lowest net score on the first designated hole, the combined two lowest net scores for the second designated hole and the combined three lowest net scores for the third designated hole. The cycle repeats for the whole nine holes.
On the Palms course the first place team with a score of 59 was composed of Joe Nasal, Don Drummond, Clint Alston and Rick Miller. In second place with a score of 62 were Willard Bradshaw, Jim Halbmaier, Kent Chu and Jim Tackett. In third place were Gary Havens, Ole Lodberg, Randy McConaughey and Steve Smith with a team score of 63.
On the Lakes course there was a tie for first place with a score of 63. Teammates were Ray Baumbach, Larry Gleason, Clay Troxell, Steve Lookabaugh, Kevin Braun, Rob Risden, Mike Casey and Sam Smith. In third place with a score of 64 was the team of Steve Rottger, Jim Quattrone, Bob Spano and Milton Osterneck.
Refreshments were enjoyed by all on the Toscana’s Patio after the round.
For more information on PCM9GA contact Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761 or any of the board members whose contact data is posted in both pro shops.