Mark Eichkorn
The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) kicked off their summer series with the Gold Bash. The tournament featured a Lone Ranger format, where one player was designated the Lone Ranger on each hole. The Lone Ranger’s net score was combined with the foursome’s other low net score. The team consisting of James Mitchell, Bob Geiges, Ray Bender, and Robert Fiorita brought home the gold, with a net score of 65. Fulfilling the tournament’s billing, every player was a winner and no one went home empty handed, with prizes ranging from golf balls to cash. Players wore their best green shirts with Joe Oliver and Kevin Braun awarded best dressed. Finally, the hard-fought match was celebrated with refreshments at the Chianti Room.
The 2 low net tournament, earlier in the month, was won by Keith Anolick, Lennie Liebowitz, Gary Houser, and Jerry Briner. The Niners continued their closest to the pin and long putt prizes on non-tournament days.
The summer series continues with tournaments including: Cool Off Hawaiian Style (July), the Ryder Cup Challenge (August), and We Survived the Summer (September). The Ryder cup will feature 3 holes of best ball, a 3 hole scramble, and 3 holes with alternate shots. The series fun continues with great attire, prizes, food, and beverages. Come join us on the green!