A great turnout for “Summer Citizens” Two-Man Scramble (photo by Louis Beaulieu)
Ken Whitney
The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) members enjoyed the relatively mild June temperatures and held two “Summer Citizens Events” during the month.
The first, held on June 8, was a two-man scramble event, featuring two flights on the back nine of Tuscany Falls East. Flight One was captured by the team of Tom Johnson and Randy Prinz. Flight Two top honors went to David Robertson and Will Smith. Congratulations to the top teams and all participants.
The June 15 team shamble was held on the front nine of Eagle’s Nest. In the shamble format each member of a four-man team plays their own ball from tee to green. Team scoring is based on cycles of the combination of two, three, or four low net scores, played in a revolving sequence through nine holes.
First place was won by the team of Roger LeBlanc, Tom Johnson (his second win for the month), Bernie Bangert, and Mike Hurst. Second place went to Tim Munson, Scott Derby, Jim Tackett, and John Piatek.
The “Summer Citizens Event” series continued in July with an Independence Day Tournament and a Ryder Cup Event.