All Winners – January 28 Cha Cha Tournament
Erv Stein
Our PCM9GA always enthusiastic group of fun loving golfers are ever increasing in tournament event participation and on Thursday, January 28 our largest ever member participation included a total of 129 golfers. Both the Tuscany Lakes and Falls Courses were utilized as our near capacity group doubled up with both A and B foursomes on all but two of the 18 holes. We never know what new and exciting tournament format our always creative pairing committee will present and this time, the Reverse Cha Cha format was utilized which is a far cry from the Cha Cha ballroom dance format. The team scoring for this format consisted of two low net team scores for holes two through eight and only one net score was used for holes one and nine. As always, net scoring for each team member is based upon their established AGA handicaps. Therefore, depending upon the handicap rating of each golfer from zero to, in some instances three, strokes would be deducted from their stroke results per hole. Yes, we had a host of virtual birdies and a few eagles. An additional twist was added to the competition intrigue since at the end of the competition, each team had the net score for one hole removed from the final net team score. All team members were informed in advance that this was part of the scoring but after the event it was announced that hole seven on both the Lakes and Palms would be the hole with the score deducted.
Hats off to the winning teams as follows:
Lakes Net Score Team Members
1st Place 29 Russ Georgesen, Chris Jeans, Tom Peterson, Karl Wisser
2nd Place 30 Connie Neeley, Rich Schmidt, M. Walmsley, John Ward
3rd Place 34 Don Burrows, Don Drummond, S. Shaver, G. Sork
1st Place 27 Clete Lipetzky, Dennis Markiewicz, Tim Mohler, T. Plaxton
2nd Place 29 R. Gunn, B. Harry, C Mucha, R. Rodgers
3rd Place 30 C. Craig, D. Huffman, R. Leidigh, T. Schull
Closest to the Pin Winners Mike Cousino, Mike Bunn, Chris Jeans, Russ Georgesen
Our PCM9GA has started the year with a busy but exciting event schedule and our Verde Valley Railroad excursion proved to be a smashing success for all that attended. Next in line is our second annual Member Guest Tournament conducted on February 28 and soon after followed by our annual Club Champion Tournament series on March 3 and 10. Still to come will be our Goodyear Ballpark Outing on March 22 and our annual Awards Banquet to be held on April 2.
Our PCM9GA accelerated growth rate continues and our membership role at last count at 335 members. Our PCM9GA highly encourages prospective new members to join our fun-loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The annual $50 cost includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.org or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.