Mark Eichkorn
The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) played off-site in October, as the PebbleCreek courses underwent their regularly scheduled fall maintenance. Off-site play consisted of 18 holes at each course, with a shamble at Falcon Dunes, open play at Coldwater, and a scramble at Coyote Lakes.
October Results
Falcon Dunes Four-Man Shamble: Low Score for the outing was posted by the team consisting of Ward, Tietz, Williamson, and Skirnick.
The Coldwater outing was open play, leading to enjoyable golf and camaraderie.
Coyote Lakes Scramble winners:
* Eagle’s Nest Flight—Mark Eichkorn, Sam Ellis, Joe Volstromer, and Ken Whitney
* Tuscany Falls Flight—Randy Cheek, Kirby Van Note, David Robertson, and Jim Breznai
The Niners began ramping up for the new season in November, as courses fully opened and winter residents returned to PebbleCreek. Capping off the year is the scheduled Niners’ holiday party on Dec. 5, at the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Festivities include dinner and dancing to a live band. Hope to see you on the courses and the dance floor!