PCM9GA news and scores

Rudy Possehl gets a hole-in-one.

Rudy Possehl gets a hole-in-one.

Erv Stein

Kudus and our hats off to Rudy Possehl for his truly remarkable hole-in-one experience while participating in our Tuscany Lakes Course Cha-Cha Tournament recently conducted on January 12. It is likely that all golfers may either secretly or openly dream of the exceedingly rare hole-in-one experience which indeed is so very unlikely since according to the Golf Digest statistics, the odds against a golfer getting a hole-in-one for a golfer of average ability is truly a long-shot, 12,500 to one. Furthermore, while for pro golfers the odds are better they are still a whopping 2,500 to one. More specifically based upon these reliable statistics, if you were to do 18 holes of golf weekly you perhaps may get really lucky and experience the hole-in-one quite impossible dream once every 13 years and four months.

Getting back to the particulars of hole 7 on the Tuscany Lakes Course, which is a 125 yard PAR 3 hole from the white tee-off markers, this hole offers some real challenges with a quite substantial water hazard area on the right and multiple sand traps in back of the green. According to Rudy, his drive off the tee using a number 5 Hybrid was a low line shot which cleared the water hazard, rolled up on the green to the left of the tee and then proceeded to hit the pin and then enter the hole to complete the truly phenomenal hole-in one event. Truly the rush of adrenaline into your system and sheer excitement of the hole-in-one experience is sought by us all while so few of us ever get to experience. Again, congratulations, Rudy, and enjoy your substantial $500 cash prize.

Our PCM9GA continues with a myriad of exciting events starting with our Beat the Pro Tournament on February 2 and soon after our Member-Guest event on February 23. In March our highly anticipated PCM9GA Championship Flight Tournament, a two-day event, will be held and followed by our annual Awards Banquet in April.

Our PCM9GA, now at about 360 members, highly encourages prospective new members to join our fun-loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The annual $50 cost includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.org or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.