All Winners – PCM9GA Lone Ranger Tournament

First Place Team Winners – April 28 PCM9GA Lone Ranger Tournament, left to right: Pat Sherlock, Chris Mucha, Jerry SantaLucia, Skip Butler, Gene Lindsey, Jay Fors, Dick Atwater; not in photo, Doug Schlenker

Marty West scores an Eagle on Eagle’s Nest hole 14.
Erv Stein
Over 100 of our enthusiastic and highly charged PCM9GA golfers teed off on Thursday afternoon, April 28 under magnificent spring weather conditions utilizing the front and back nine of our Eagle’s Nest Course. This event utilized a quite intriguing Lone Ranger format which required two scores to be used from each foursome to determine the net team scores for all nine holes. While one of the two team scores was the best low net, the designated lone ranger score rotated for each team member for each successive hole. As per usual, the net scores were based upon the individual prevailing AGA handicap rating for each golfer and therefore the better golfers were given zero or perhaps one stroke credit or POP for specific holes while the higher handicap golfers could be given up to two or three POPS per hole. While this net handicap adjusted format often results in golfers attaining virtual Birdies, Eagles or Double Eagles or Hole-In-Ones, kudos and hats off to Marty West who attained a genuine and absolutely authentic Eagle on Hole 14 on the Eagle’s Nest Back Nine. While our PCM9GA maintains a Hole-In-One program rewarding golfers that happen to attain the exceedingly rare hole-in-one achievement, getting an Eagle is at least equally as exciting and nothing can replace the sheer joy and exhilaration of seeing your second or third shot either from the green or fairway make its way to the hole and just like that drop in for an Eagle.
The winning foursome scores were very competitive as fully expected and congratulations to the winners as follow:
Eagle’s Nest Net Score Team Members
Front Nine
1st Place 61 Dick Atwater, Jay Fors, Skip Butler, Gene Lindsey
2nd Place 61 Ed Force, Gary Hunt, Alan Hatfield, Pete Caviolo
3rd Place 62 Rod Iverson, Dave Kennedy, Frank Hylton, Ziggy Butkiewicz
Eagle’s Nest Net Score Team Members
Back Nine
1st Place 55 Doug Schlenker, Chris Mucha, Pat Sherlock, John SantaLucia
2nd Place 57 Rich McCurdy, Marty West, Randy McConaughey, Joe Pariseau
3rd Place 58 Steve Rottger, Jerry Matousek, Ed White, Joey Romero
Closest to Pin Winners Sam Smith, Dick Atwater, Rene Lefebvre, Rich Schmidt
The PCM9GA current membership role is close to 350 members and our Thursday tee times revert back to 7:30 a.m. starting May 21 to circumvent the scorching Arizona summer heat. Our PCM9GA just completed our highly successful Sun City Grand/PCM9GA Mixer Tournament as well our first Vice Presidents Tournament on May 26 and look forward to our continued summer events. As always, we urge new interested members to join our fun-loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The $50 annual cost includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.org or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.