Closest To Pin Winners, left to right: Jack Tulaba, George Nagy and Bob DeSantis; not in photo, Jim Halbmaier
Erv Stein
Over 120 of our typically highly charged and enthusiastic PCM9GA golfers participated under quite pleasant afternoon weather conditions on January 22 utilizing a Cha-Cha tournament format at our Tuscany Palms and Lake Courses.
No need to be overly alarmed that our PCM9GA members are now all committed to ballroom dancing lessons rather than maximizing their golf game since in actuality, the Cha-Cha is indeed a recognized and quite commonly deployed golf tournament format. The Cha-Cha format is just one more variation of the basic Best Ball tournament play in which the low team net for each hole is based upon the lowest net scores for each hole for each team. However, for holes one, four and seven, only the best single net score from one foursome member is used to contribute to the net team final score. For holes two, five and eight the lowest net scores for two team members were used and then for holes three, six and nine the three lowest team member net scores were used. Since each team member net score for each hole was adjusted for their prevailing AGA handicap, typically a high handicap golfer would gain the satisfaction of attaining a virtual Birdie, Eagle or even a virtual hole-in-one since if a high handicap golfer attained a PAR on a PAR three hole, his adjusted score would be a one.
The winning scores were remarkably close and congratulations to the winning foursomes as follows:
Palms Net Team Score Team Members
First Place 37 B. Ruder, R. Prinz, L. Callahan, C. Alston
Second Place 38 D. Belonax, D. Rossi, G. Seaman, R. Brava
Third Place 40 M. Macie, G. Fick, C. Hendrickson, L. Waif
First Place 42 W. Bradshaw, R. Risden, R. Olberding, B. Ventura
Second Place 44 D. Schlenker, K. Laychak, D. Burrows
Third Place 44 B. Schrader, R. Gunn, R. Garner, M. Helton
Closest To Pin Winners Jack Tulaba, Jim Halbmaier, George Nagy, Bob DeSantis
Our PCM9GA just completed its highly successful Turf Paradise outing on January 19 and we look forward to our full and exciting late winter and spring schedule as follows:
Date Event
February 26 Member Guest Invitational Tournament
March 18 Annual Membership Meeting
March 19, 26 and April 2 PCM9GA Club Championship Tournament
April 14 Annual Mixer Tournament with PCL9GA
April 17 PCM9GA Annual Awards Dinner
September 22 Summer Survivor Tournament
Our PCM9GA highly encourages prospective new members to join our fun loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The annual $50 cost includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.com or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.