PCM9GA Best Ball Scramble winners
On September 13, the Golfing Niners hosted a two-man best ball scramble on the front nine of Eagle’s Nest Golf Club. Golfers were paired off into flights based upon their handicap, with the following results:
A/B Flight: 1st Place, Net Score 34.4, Bill Hill and Joe Volstromer; 2nd Place, Net Score 35.35, Dick Atwater and Randy Prinz; 3rd Place, Net Score 35.58, Fred Schmidt and Bob Mantucca.
C/D Flight: 1st Place, Net Score 35.01, Rick Fulton and Frank Castillo; 2nd Place, Net Score 36.12, Rich Schmidt and Charley Wiley; 3rd Place, Net Score 37.02, Dave Kennedy and Steve Flynn.
Closest to the Pin winners at this event were Rich Schmidt (Hole No. 4) and Charley Wiley (Hole No. 8).