Front Nine First Place winners, left to right: Gary Houser, Steve Roseman, Doyle Blaylock, and Eric Malier
Erv Stein
Under outstanding late fall season weather conditions at 1:30 p.m. on Dec. 3, 120 of our always charged up PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) golfers participated in a “Cha Cha Cha” scramble tournament format utilizing our Eagle’s Nest course.The “Cha Cha Cha” interesting format scoring is based upon the team composite net score utilizing from one to three member individual net scores per hole depending upon the hole number. For example, for the first three holes, each team starting on either hole 1, 2, and 3 would count either 1, 2, or 3 team member net scores for each hole. The same scoring applied to 4-5-6 and so on, so a team starting on hole 11 for example would utilize two team member net scores. Net scores of course are based upon the golfers’ prevailing AGA handicap and a higher handicapped golfer typically would get up to two so called “POPS” for a par 5 hole and conceivably if he would up with a par his net score of 3 would be a virtual Eagle. Eagle’s Nest is somewhat far more challenging than our Tuscany Falls East and West courses and the fact that two teams attained a net 13 under par and one team a net 16 under par is quite significant.
A total of 32 foursome teams were divided into 4 flights, and kudos to the winning foursomes as follows:
Front Nine Flight
1st Place: Steve Roseman, Gary Houser, Doyle Blaylock, Eric Malier, Under Par Net -13, Total Net 60
2nd Place: Anthony Staley, Rene LeFebvre, Jerry Largo, Bob Sinclair, Under Par Net -10, Total Net 63
Back Nine Flight
1st Place: Ken Whitney, Steve Schwartz, Ray Bender, Under Par Net -16, Total Net 53
2nd Place: Tim Smith, Bob Geiges, Richard Johnson, Peter Rollison. Under Par Net -13, Total Net 56
Following the event, many participants met informally at the Eagle’s Nest restaurant area and tournament results were reviewed. PCM9GA has over 400 active members and looks forward to another awesome event schedule in 2025. We encourage prospective PCM9GA members in our exceptional fun-loving low-key group of golfers to contact our membership chairman, Jim Pisarski, at 949-485-0594 or Tim Munson at 503-460-7618.