Falcon Dunes winning team: Joe Volstomer, Bill Dougherty, Ronald Devine, and Steve Schwartz
Mark Eichkorn
The niners took to the road in October, as the Pebblecreek courses closed for overseeding. They played two tournaments off site: a 4-Man Shamble held at the Verrado Founders Course and a 4-Man Scramble held at the Falcon Dunes Course. The Founders Tournament was won by Keith Anolick, Kevin Anolick, Bill Hill, and Ronald Smith. The Falcon Dunes tournament was won by Ronald Devine, Bill Dougherty, Joe Volstromer, and Steve Schwartz.
November led us back to the PebbleCreek courses and to the return of our snowbirds. First, it held the Gary Lord Veterans Day tournament in honor of our friend and neighbor Gary Lord, who passed away in July. Gary was a West Point graduate, Vietnam veteran, and an accomplished civil engineer. Gary was a valuable PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) member and volunteer.
The PCM9GA group will also host its Welcome Back Tournament and Block Party. The Tournament will feature a 4-Man Scramble, while its “Block Party” will be held after the tournament in Sunrise Park.
Along with great golf and camaraderie in December, the group will host its annual holiday party at the Tuscany Ballroom, with dinner and dancing. Life is good when you’re golfing!