PCM9GA Conducts Round One of Club Championship Tournament

Bill Prater captures both Closest to Pin and Longest Putt awards

Erv Stein

Our PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA), since its founding in 2005, for many years now has conducted a tworound Club Championship Tournament for determining the winners of both the low gross and low net player awards. On Feb. 7, with quite perfect weather conditions, 122 participants teed off utilizing the Tuscany Falls West course with foursomes divided into four flights, the Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta Flights. While the four flights grouped players according to their prevailing AGA individual player handicaps with the higher handicaps teeing off from the Red Tees, the competitive level playing field scoring was accomplished since their net scores were adjusted per their handicap. The first-round leaders for both low gross and low net attained quite impressive gross scores ranging from 39 to 41 and net scores in the range of 31 to 34.

Kudos to the leaders to date for Round 1 as listed:

Player, Low Gross

Mike Michel, 39

Dave Savage, 40

Timothy Sury, 40

Dusty Howard, 40

Steve Roseman, 41

Steve Striker, 41

Player, Low Net

Don Burrows, 31

Doug Anderson, 31

Dusty Howard, 32

Steve Striker, 33

Bill Prater, 34

Bruce Dice, 34

Nemo Villarruel, 34

Mike Branham, 34

Hats off to Bill Prater for winning both the Closest to Pin and Longest Pin awards.

Closest to Pin Winners: Bill Prater, Randy McConaughey, Don Burrows, Keith Anolick

Longest Putt Winners: Bill Prater, Gary Hunt

Following our Round One event, many of us gathered and celebrated at the Westwind Tavern outside area. The Club Championship Round 2 was conducted on the following Thursday, February 14 followed by an all-participants banquet held at the Tuscany Falls Ballroom with event winners announced and awards presented.

Rounds 3, 4, and the final round of our PCM9GA Match Play event were respectively held on Feb. 20, Feb. 27, and will conclude with the final match of the remaining two players on March 6. Finally, planning efforts are going full speed forward for our major Member Guest Charity Tournament, which is expected to result in raising several thousand dollars on behalf of our local Luke Air Force Base MOAA Chapter Community Fund.

Our PCM9GA group now has close to 400 members. We highly encourage interested prospective PCM9GA members in our exceptional fun-loving, low-key group of golfers to contact our membership chairman, Tim Munson, at 503-460-7618 or Dusty Howard at 805-218-6461.