Verrado PCM9GA Scramble Tournament First Place Winning Foursome, left to right: Scott Biard, Scott Weide, Mike McWhorter, Bill Dougherty

Verrado PCM9GA Second Place Winning Foursome, left to right: John Mazzukelly, Keith Anolick, and Robert Salzman. Not pictured: Kevin Anolick.
Erv Stein
While most PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) golfing events are conducted on site at one of our excellent three 18-hole PebbleCreek golf courses, each October, we typically revert to conducting several events at nearby off premises locations due to mandatory once–a–year reseeding closures.
This year, our first off-site event on Oct. 3 was held at the renowned Verrado Founders Golf Club, which is likewise among the finest and likely the most challenging golf course in the entire Phoenix West Valley. The Verrado Founders Course, located in Buckeye, offers truly spectacular scenic untouched desert views, overlooking the entire West Valley area in the shadows of White Tank Mountains. The Verrado course itself is well groomed with elevated tees, rolling fairways, and indeed challenging even for the most experienced golfers.
That being said, about 64 PCM9GA golfers including a few invited guests most enthusiastically teed off in the midst of the prevailing extended torrid spell and everyone should be proud of their excellent team scores utilizing the scramble team format in which one team gross score was based upon utilizing the best shot from one of the four team members. The competition was razor thin close with only 6 strokes separating the first place and fifth place teams.
Kudos to the winning foursome, comprised of Scott Baird, Bill Dougherty, Scott Weide, and Mike McWhorter, which attained a quite extraordinary under Par gross team score of 61, a result enhanced by the rare Eagle on one back nine par 5 most difficult and long hole. Close behind, the second-place team consisting of Keith Anolick, Bob Salzman, Kevin Anolick, and John Mazzukelly scored an 8 under Par gross 64 result.
Verrado Winners Scoring Summary
First Place: Scott Baird, Bill Dougherty, Scott Weide, Mike McWhorter; 11 under Par, 61 gross team score
Second Place: Keith Anolick, Bob Salzman, Kevin Anolick, John Mazzukelly; 8 under Par, 64 gross team score
Third Place: Doug Wainwright, Bob Brett, Bill Lansing, Jim Stahl; 6 under Par, 66 gross team score
Fourth Place: Tom LeChaix, Tom Booth, Steve Shaver; 6 under Par, 66 gross team score
Following the event, an enjoyable luncheon banquet was held at the Verrado restaurant with winners being congratulated and team prizes announced and awarded. Our special well-deserved appreciation is noted to several PCM9GA committee members for their tremendous efforts and results in coordinating this event, which includes: Peter Provenzale, Doug Wainwright, Kerry Walsh, John Craven, Ron Froemming, and several others including the Verrado Golf Operations. Our other two off–site events scheduled in October were the Oct. 11 Falcon Dunes Tournament and the Top Golf Mixer event on Oct. 21. Additional events to close out 2024 PCM9GA activities will be the Gary Lord Vets Tourney on Nov. 7 followed by the Dec. 2 Holiday Luncheon and our CHA-CHA-CHA tourney on Dec. 5.
Our PCM9GA group, founded way back in 2005, now has approximately 384 members.
We highly encourage prospective PCM9GA members in our exceptional, fun-loving, low-key group of golfers to contact our membership chairman, Tim Munson, at 503-460-7618.