Closest to the Pin Winners – December 11 Tournament: Pat Moore, Ray Baumbach, Casimir Koziara and Monte Page
Erv Stein
Our PCM9GA group conducted our final tournament of the year on December 11 utilizing the front and back nine of our Eagle’s Nest courses under very nice afternoon weather conditions, considering the mid-December timing for this event.
For this event our pairing committee selected a Modified Shamble Format in which the best two net scores for each team member was utilized to compile the net nine hole team aggregate score. This format, unlike Scramble formats, required that each team member drive their own ball for all strokes for each hole and their net score was based upon their prevailing AGA handicap. As usual, the higher handicap golfers were allocated more handicap stroke credit for each hole and at least a couple of virtual Birdie individual net scores occurred and I believe one virtual Eagle. By the way, this Shamble Format required that for each hole, the best initial drive was utilized and all other team members took their second shot from the position of the selected first drive ball location.
As fully anticipated, the winning foursome net scores were so very close and a mere few strokes separated the first, second and third place teams. In fact, for the Eagle’s Nest front nine three teams ended up with a net 60 and tie breaking rules were used to determine the order of the winners.
Kudos to the winning teams as follows:
Eagle’s Nest Front Nine Score Team Member
First Place 60 Monti Page, Bob Hartsman, Casimir Koziara, Pat Moore
Second Place 62 Gary Draus, Rick Bray, Chris Jeans, Karl Bergstrom
Third Place 63 Gary Houser, Randy Prinz, Tom Pizzello, Erv Stein
Eagle’s Nest Back Nine
First Place 56 Don Hamilton, Casey Jones, Keith Charlesworth, Josh Rabinowitz
Second Place 60 Tom Spink, Lee Ayers, Russ Leidigh, Dave Thompson
Third Place 60 Gary Bray, Ole Lodberg, Larry Larson, Steve Shaver
Closest to the Pin Winners: Pat Moore, Ray Baumbach, Casimir Koziara, Monte Page
Year 2014 was a fun filled outstanding year for our PCM9GA group and for the next few months a full slate of outstanding activities are scheduled above and beyond our weekly outings and bi-monthly tournaments starting with the Turf Paradise outing conducted on January 19. February 28 will be the date of our first annual 9ers Member-Guest Invitational Tournament and, soon after, our annual PCM9GA Championship Flight Tournament series in March followed by our annual all members meeting and our annual Awards Banquet in April.
The PCM9GA membership continues its ever expanding growth rate with the current membership now very near 300 members which represents well over a 600% increase in the past several years. Our PCM9GA highly encourages prospective new members to join our fun loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The annual $50 cost includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.com or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.