Lone Ranger Tournament First Place Winners, left to right: Eric Letzler, Don Paxton, Joe Duch, Bill Davis

Additional Lone Ranger Participants, left to right: Jim Reggin, Dale Erikson, Mark Eickhorn, Terry Worwa, Bob Saltzman, Steve Roseman
Our PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) full summer event schedule continued on the morning of Sept. 5, where 60 of our PCM9GA always enthusiastic golfers participated in a Lone Ranger Tournament format utilizing the Tuscany Falls East front-nine golf course.
The Lone Ranger Tournament format scoring is based upon a score where each foursome member initially tees off for each hole. That being said, each team member alternates as the designated Lone Ranger team member for the entire 9-hole event. The net team score for each hole is then calculated utilizing the Lone Ranger designated golfer plus the best score of the remaining three team members. As per usual, a level competitive play field is achieved with adjustments based upon each team member’s prevailing AGA handicap.
Again, the competition was a very tight handicap with only a few net stroke scores separating several of the top achieving teams.
Congratulations are in order for the winning foursome comprised of Bill Davis, Eric Metzler, Don Paxton, and Joe Duch, which came in with a Net 3 under PAR 69.
Summary of Winning Team Scores
First Place Team: Eric Letzner, Don Paxton, Joe Duch, Bill Davis, Net Score of 69
Second Place Team: Steve Roseman, Tony Sacks, Lennie Liebowitz, David Kennedy, Net Score of 70
Third Place Team: Fred Schmidt, Lloyd Garner, Frank Chop, Ken Moser, Net Score of 70
Closest to Pin/Longest Putt
Hole 4: Dale Erickson
Hole 8: Randy Prinz
Hole 18: Dale Erickson
Following the golfing event, most participants all gathered at the Chianti Room at Tuscany Falls for a continental breakfast where the event winners were announced and congratulated.
Forthcoming additional PCM9GA events include the upcoming Beat the Pros Tournament on Sept. 26 and our three off-site October events at Verrado, Falcon Dunes, and the Topgolf Mixer. Additional events to close out 2024 PCM9GA activities will be the Gary Lord Vets Tourney on Nov. 7 followed by Dec. 2 Holiday Luncheon and our CHA-CHA-CHA tourney on Dec. 5. Our PCM9GA group, founded way back in 2005 now has approximately 383 members. We highly encourage prospective PCM9GA members who would like to join our exceptional fun-loving low-key group of golfers to contact our membership chairman, Tim Munson, at 503-460-7618.