All Winners and CTP Winners – June 9 PCM9GA Lone Ranger Tournament, left to right: Trevor Ballinger, Ed Raker, Grant Moorehead, Dick Ruder, Bill Wagner, Ken Hahn, Bob Mantucca, Dave Flynn, Richard Rippe, Joey Romero, Don Burrows, Jim Halbmaier, Bob Schrader, Ziggy Butkiewicz

Mike D’Onofrio scores an Eagle on Tuscany Falls Course Hole 6.
Erv Stein
Our PCM9GA weekly early Thursday morning 7:30 a.m. tee times continue to attract a sizable portion of our non-snowbird members in allowing a full nine holes of golf in quite tolerable weather conditions long before the sizzling and relentless Arizona heat takes hold. On the morning of Thursday, June 9 a total of 60 typically enthused PCM9GA golfers teed off at our Tuscany Palms Course utilizing the always intriguing Lone Ranger format.
The Lone Ranger scoring is based upon a team score for each foursome comprised of two scores from each player, the first score being the low net for that specific hole and the second score is the Lone Ranger net score which alternates for the designated player for each hole. The teams were composed of A, B, C and D players based upon their prevailing AGA handicaps and holes 1 to 4 were the Lone Ranger holes for the A,B,C and D golfers respectively and the same repeated for holes 5, 6, 7 and 8 with hole 9 again being the A player Lone Ranger hole. As always, the two team member net scores were based upon the prevailing AGA player handicaps. While this format typically inspires an occasional high handicap D team member after receiving a net Birdy or even a net Eagle on a specific hole, this time Mike D’Onofrio is to be congratulated for attaining a rare real Eagle on Haile 6 of our Palms Course. Mike, I was privileged to be on your team and that was a truly awesome drive and second shot and quite absolutely incredible.
Not at all to anyone’s surprise, the competition was typically stiff and the first, second and third place teams separated by a mere three strokes. Kudos to the winners as follows:
Net Score Team Members
1st 56 Dave Flynn, Jim Halbmaier, Don Burrows, Joey Romero
2nd 58 Bob Schrader, Bob Mantucca, Ken Hahn, Richard Rippe
3rd 59 Grant Moorehead, Dick Ruder, Ed Raker, Ziggy Butkiewicz
Closest to Pin Winners Trevor Ballinger, Bill Wagner
Our regular weekly event activities continue through the summer which will include our Red, White and Blue Tournament on June 30, our PCM9GA and PCMGA Mixer event on July 14 and cumulating with our Club Sizzler Tournament on August 25 and our annual Summer Survivor Tournament on September 28.
As always, we urge new interested members to join our fun-loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The $50 annual cost includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.org or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.