Erv Stein
On Oct. 11, our PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) group held its second of the year off-site tournament event at the flagship U.S. Air Force–operated Falcon Dunes Golf Course adjacent to Luke Air Force Base. Falcon Dunes, often recognized as among the top Air Force Golf Courses, provides awesome native desert landscaping and an abundance of natural vegetation surrounding the fairways. The course is quite challenging with several significant elevation changes but lends itself to a terrific round of golf for most golfers.
The Oct. 7 early morning weather was quite acceptable for our 72 golfers, who teed off in a scramble format in which each team’s gross score was based upon utilizing the best shot of the four team members. As usual our pairing committee did an excellent job in ensuring a rather competitive playing field. Only five strokes separated the first place and fourth place team. Hats off to the winning foursome, comprised of Scott Baird, Steve Schwartz, Scott Weide, and Mike McWhorter, which attained a quite extraordinary 13 under par gross team score of 59.
Falcon Dunes Winners Scoring Summary
1st Place: Scott Baird, Steve Schwartz, Scott Weide, Mike McWhorter, 13 under par, total gross 59
2nd Place: Ray Clements, Pete Herman, Kevin Anolick, Steve Roseman, 9 under par, total gross 63
3rd Place: Mark Eichkorn, Frank Pierce, Keith Helker, Rob Hernandez, 8 under par, total gross 64
4th Place: Keith Helker, Kurt Klienknecht, Guy DeCosterd, Charlie Conroy, 7 under par, total gross 65
Following the event, we all enjoyed lunch at the Falcon Dunes restaurant with winners being congratulated and team prizes announced and awarded. Our special well-deserved appreciation is noted to several PCM9GA committee members for their outstanding coordination of this event.