Beat the Pros winners including PebbleCreek Pros, left to right: Tom LeChaix, Ray Clements (PCM9GA President), Bill Fenster, Kyle Metzler (PC Pro), Pete Herman, Ron Froemming, Ted McGovern, John Craven, Sam Ellis, Steve Roseman, Keith Anolick, Ronnie Decker (PC Pro), Dennis Downs (PC Pro)

Beat the Pros winning team members, left to right: Steve Roseman, Keith Anolick, Ray Clements (PCM9GA President), Guy DeCosterd, Charlie Lowe, Mike Mealer, John Mazzukelly, Bjarne Kaer, Bill Fenster, Tom LeChaix, Dick Ruder, John Howell, Bob Brett, John Craven, Doug Wainwright, Tony Sacks
Erv Stein
In recent years, our PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) typically has conducted a wide variety of events, some to include other PebbleCreek golf groups, but few has drawn the competitive spirit to the high level as the recently conducted Beat the Pros Tournament on Sept. 26, utilizing the front nine Tuscany West course.
Our PCM9GA is uniquely low key and our member players’ golfing skill sets range from beginning high handicap golfers to some members with handicaps somewhat close to the “scratch golfer” status. That being said, a total of 12 foursomes, 6 in the A/B top PCM9GA member group and the other 6 in the C/D higher handicap group, teed off competing with our PebbleCreek Pro foursome consisting of Kyle Meltzer, Ronnie Decker, Dennis Downs, and Dave Jorba. Team scoring prevailed due to the Scramble format in which the best ball stroke from one of the foursome members for each stroke through the final putt determined the team score.
Well perhaps not quite “against all odds” but perhaps close to it, the awesome results of the first-place winning foursome comprised of Ray Clements, Steve Roseman, John Craven, and Keith Anolick handily out classed our excellent PebbleCreek Pro team coming in with a quite spectacular 10 under Par Gross 29/Net Total 26 results. Not to detract from our Pros’ results but the Pros finished with an excellent 7 under Par. Our winning team’s excitement level was quite explosive since as I rode by the Tuscany West 9 hole returning after fishing our round, I just knew that they won after hearing their loud cheering, which likely could be heard throughout the Tuscany Falls area.
Also, kudos to the winning Flight C/D foursome consisting of Peter Herman, Ron Froemming, Ted McGovern, and Sam Ellis with a quite excellent 8 under Par 32 Net 28 results.
A/B Flight
First Place: Keith Anolick, Ray Clements, John Craven, Steve Roseman; Total Gross 29, Under Par Net -10, Total Net 26
Second Place: Bob Brett, Tony Sacks, Tom LeChaix, Doug Wainwright; Total Gross 32, Under Par Net -9, Total Net 27
C/D Flight
First Place: Ron Froemming, Ted McGovern, Sam Ellis, Peter Herman; Total Gross 32, Under Par Net -8, Total Net 28
Second Place: Ray Bender, Bill Wagner, Jim Tackett, Kevin Coogan; Total Gross 35, Under Par Net -7, Total Net 29
Following the event, we all gathered at the Chianti Room at Tuscany Falls for an excellent full course breakfast where the event winners were announced and congratulated.
John Mazzukelly and a number of PCM9GA committee members and board members are to be commended for organizing and implementing this outstanding event since such successful events require a tireless ongoing effort.