PCM9GA Cha Cha results

Erv Stein

Our PCM9GA group conducted our first year 2017 tournament on the afternoon of January 12 utilizing both of Tuscany Lakes and Palms and Lakes Courses with an impressive participation total of 112 PCM members with outstanding temperate Arizona winter weather conditions.

For this event, the CHA-CHA Tournament format was deployed in which each team member utilized their own ball for each stroke and for each golfer their net score was lowered from anywhere from zero to three strokes or POPS based upon their prevailing AGA handicap rating; however, the team scores were compiled based upon one team member’s net score for the odd numbered holes and two team member scores for the even numbered holes. This format can be a genuine ego builder particularly for higher handicap golfers such as your author which somehow managed to get a quite rare PAR on Hole 3 on the Lakes Course which equated to a virtual hole-in-one based upon the two POP credits for this hole.

However, speaking of the exceedingly rare hole-in-one, kudos to Rudy Possehl for his tremendous accomplishment of achieving a very real hole-in-one on Hole 7 of our Tuscany Lakes Course. According to the statistics from the Golf Digest, the chances of an average golfer achieving a hole-in-one are 12,500 to one. Therefore, for a typical golfer that will do 18 holes every week of the year you may just be somehow plain lucky enough to attain the seemingly impossible dream of getting the hole-in-one exhilarating experience once every 13 years and four months.

Congratulations to the winning foursomes and Closest to the Pin Winners as follows:

Lakes Course Team Score Team Members

1st 38 Tom Wagner, Pat Moore, Bob White, Richard Rodgers

2nd 39 Chris Mucha, Joe Nasal, Rudy Possehl, Roger Werthmann

3rd 40 Connie Neeley, Steve Shaver, Ted McGovern, Erv Stein

Palms Course Team Score Team Members

1st 34 Michael Davis, Mike Bunn, Kent Chi, Alan Hatfield, Tackett

2nd 35 Ray Baumbach, Lloyd Callahan, Clint Alston, Frank Hylton

3rd 37 Raleigh, Andrews, Jared Fors, Nick Isenhart, Gene Lindsey

Closest to the Pin Rudy Possehl (hole-in-one), Erv Stein, Gary Lord, Scott Beseda

Our PCM9GA continue with a myriad of exciting events starting with our Beat-the Pro Tournament on February 2 and soon after our Member-Guest event on February 23. In March our highly anticipated PCM9GA Championship Flight Tournament, a two-day event, will be held and followed by our annual Awards Banquet in April.

Our PCM9GA, now at about 360 members, highly encourages prospective new members to join our fun-loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The annual $50 cost includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.org or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.