Winning Team Members – PCM9GA Yellow Ball Tournament, left to right: Josh Rabinowitz, Erv Stein, Sam Smith, Monte Page, Rich Schmidt, Bob Mantucca, Don Burrows and Kent Chu; not in photo: C. Kozlara, Ed Force, Randy Prinz, Dave Wattenberg, Don Belonax, B. Quarantino

Closest To The Pin Winners, left to right: Josh Rabinowitz, Sam Smith
Erv Stein
We are so very fortunate to live in the wonderful PebbleCreek Community and even with our absolutely brutal summer searing heat which our snowbird residents circumvent; it is so very rare that some of us as avid golfers encounter extremes in weather other than the furnace-like summer heat. That being said, a total of 50 of our PCM9GA typically enthusiastic members teed off on the cloudy Thursday morning of September 22 at our Tuscany Lakes Course, unaware that Mother Nature would unleash a persistent downpour in which some of our less hardy members simply did not finish their nine hole play.
Nevertheless, our tournament committee, noted for throwing us an array of ongoing intriguing tournament format variations, came up with the Yellow Ball Format in that two net adjusted scores for each foursome would be used for each of the nine holes as the basis of the team nine-hole score; however, each foursome member was designated as the hero golfer and, depending upon the hole, two scores from the hero golfer could optionally be used to determine the net team score for that particular hole. As it turned out for those teams which braved the elements, if the hero for a particular hole happened to be a high-handicap golfer and did quite well on a particular hole, it made a big difference between winning and being at the back of the pack. Your author, on a PAR 3 hole on the Tuscany Lakes Course, just happened to PAR this hole and with the two POP AGA handicap determined adjustment, the net team score for this hole was an incredibly low net two.
Kudos to the winning teams as follows:
Score Team Members
1st Place 57 Don Belonax, Kent Chu, Erv Stein, Rich Schmidt
2nd Place 57 Ed Force, B. Mantucca, Randy Prinz, Don Burrows
3rd Place 60 Monte Page, B. Quarantino, C. Kozlaro, Dave Wattenberg
Closest to Pin Winners
Josh Rabinowitz, Sam Smith
Due to the annual fall closing of our PebbleCreek Golf Courses from early October through early November for reseeding operations, our PCM9GA group continued with four off-campus 18 hole tournaments conducted as follows:
Falcon Dunes October 13
Sundance October 20
Coyote Lakes October 27
Coldwater November 3
Our current membership role is about 350 members and we highly urge new interested members to join our truly outstanding fun-loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The $50 annual cost includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Beginning October 1 new members may join for the same $50 membership fee with the added advantage of having their membership dues covered through the remainder of 2016 as well as all of year 2017. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.org or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.