PCM9GA executive board and committee members, left to right: Randy Vlcek, Peter Dilberti, Erv Stein, Ray Clements, John Craven, Pete Herman, Tim Munson, Kerry Walsh, John Mazzukelly, Joe Duch, Tim Pisarski, Peter Provenvale, Steve Schwartz
Erv Stein
Our PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA), formed in 2005, is one of four long established PebbleCreek golf groups and has currently grown to 380 active members. On June 7, our newly elected executive board members along with our equally key committee members conducted our first executive board meeting to refine plans for an exciting event and activity schedule for the next 12 months. Our new executive board members are as follows: President—Ray Clements, Vice President—John Craven, Director of Golf—Peter Diliberti, Treasurer—Ron Froemming, Secretary—Peter Herman, Publicity Chair—Erv Stein, Webmaster—Kerry Walsh.
As the PCM9GA membership role has grown by leaps and bounds, we are all extremely proud of our fun-loving low-key closely knit group, which has been possible not only through the guidance of our excellent past executive board members, but likewise the outstanding tireless efforts of our various committee members. A current list of our PCM9GA Committee Members is as follows: Assistant Treasurer—Peter Provenvale; Handicap Chairman—Dave Eckert; Event Check In—Joe Duch, Jim Stahl; New Member Chairman—Tim Munson, Tim Pisarski; Golf Promo/Apparel—Bill Hill; Hospitality—Mark Eichkorn, Cliff Crooks, Tom Johnson, Brian Braun, Jim Tacket, Brian Rothwell, Don Paxton; Pairings—Alan Hatfield, Jerry DiLeonardo, John Mazzukelly, Randy Vlcek, Wayne Tripp, Mark Swartz; Off-Site Events—Doug Wainwright; Goofy Golf Tournament—Sam Ellis, Greg Ray; Club Champion Event—Peter Diliberti; Vendor Relations—Gary Houser, Gary Ruehl.
Our new incoming President, Ray Clements, has served in various PebbleCreek golf committees and currently has worked tirelessly to offer quite urgently needed improvements in the PebbleCreek Chelsea Golf Scheduling System to better serve internal PebbleCreek homeowner golfers in reliably offering readily available tee times.
As for our major events planned for the next few months, we just completed our highly successful Summer Scramble Event on June 6 and upcoming events will include the Mulligan Maniacs Tournament on July 18, the Modified Ryder Cup on Aug. 8, followed by the Goofy Golf Scramble on Sept. 5. Our PebbleCreek golf courses close for the annual October reseeding operation and our PCM9GA has again scheduled for now three off-site events, one at Verrado, the second at Falcon Dunes, and the third will be a Top Golf mixer event.
In the coming months we will be offering further detailed updates on our PCM9GA activities and plans to conduct a few fundraising events for area groups in need. Interested in joining the PCM9GA? Contact our Membership Chairman, Tim Munson, at 503-460-7618.