First Place Winners – July 23 Mixer Tournament, left to right: Gerald Kurtz, Jim Tackett, Grant Moorhead, John F. Adams, William Gainer, David Wattenberg; not in photo, Manuel Maciel, Steffen Jacobson

PCM9GA Executive Board Members, left to right: Ray Clements, Randy Prinz, Steve Straley, Bill Schaffer
Erv Stein
Fresh on the heels of our first ever joint PCMGA and PCM9GA Mixer Tournament conducted on June 11, a total of 92 most exuberant PCMGA and PCM9GA golfers teed off on July 23 for our second Joint Mixer event of the summer. Historically speaking, both the PCMGA and PCM9GA PebbleCreek men’s golfing organizations have been reasonably amiable for a number of years. That being said tremendous credit is due to both the PCM9GA and PCMGA Executive Board members headed by Ray Clements and Randy Prinz from the PCM9GA and Bill Schaffer and Steve Straley from the PCMGA for bringing the two groups together to an unprecedented high level of mutual respect and cooperation.
For this event, both the front and back nine Eagle’s Nest Courses were utilized and the standard Scramble Format was utilized which resulted in the best drive of the four team members to be used for each successive drive including the final putt shot. Also this event was a full 18 holes and a minimum of two drives from each team member was required to be used as the basis for the ball position for the second drive. While both the PCM9GA and PCMGA have quite awesome members with low handicaps that can literally hit a ball with long majestic opening drives, once again I was paired up with Paul Ysteboe and sure enough, and by no means to minimize the performance of other golfers participating, I again was simply astounded to witness Paul literally crushing the ball with some truly titanic drives in the range of 300 yards and beyond. It never ceases to amaze me that the pairing is such that literally just a few strokes separate the winning foursomes and this event certainly was no exception. Congratulations to the winning teams and closest-to-the-pin winners as follows:
Net Team Team
Flight One Score Members
First Place 37 William Gainer, Manuel Maciel, Grant Moorhead, Jim Tackett
Second Place 38 David Thompson, Derry Davison, Ed Force, Robert Caldwell
Third Place 39 Steve Straley, Bill Schaffer, Ray Clements, Randy Prinz
Fourth Place 39 Barry Stauffer, Larry Bergman, Paul Zuckerbrow, Thomas Fenoglio
Flight Two
First Place 29 John Adams, Gerald Kurtz, Steffen Jacobson, David Wattenberg
Second Place 30 Dave Green, Robert Williams, Jim See, Greg Harris
Third Place 32 James Haas, Monte Page, Larry Blackburn, Bart Ventura
Fourth Place 33 Peter Gilbert, Robert Brown, Larry Gleason, Gordon Seaman
Closest-to-Pin Winners
Greg Harris, Pete Jacques, Rich Elliott, Bill Gainer
Our PCM9GA remaining summer season schedule includes our forthcoming Summer Sizzler event on September 3 followed by our VFW Fundraiser Tournament on September 19 and finally our highly anticipated Summer Survivor Tournament on September 30.
Interested prospective new members are highly encouraged to join our fun-loving golf group. Please visit the PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.org or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.