John McCahan, Barbara Patrow (Senior Gross Champion), Kathleen Carney (Senior Net Champion), and Ronnie Decker

Carolyn Apodaca (Super Senior Gross Champion) and Diane Galewski (Super Senior Net Champion)
Cindy Sota
The PCLGA’s Senior/Super Senior Champions Tournament was held on Feb. 9 and 10, on the Tuscany Falls East and West courses.
The theme of this year’s major was Pearls of Wisdom. Co-chairs Linda Campbell and Pam Kale inspired us all with the pearls of wisdom quotes on each teeing ground. Here are some pearls to live by:
“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.”—Dolly Parton
“Be thankful for what you have; you will end up with even more.”—Oprah Winfrey
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”—Mae West
“A champion is defined not by their wins but how they recover when they fall.”—Serena Williams
“Fight for the things you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”—Ruth Bader Ginsburg
“If you obey all the rules, you are going to miss some of the fun!”—Katherine Hepburn
There were three age divisions for the tournament: Juniors under 65; Seniors 65-75; Super Seniors 75 plus, played only on the 10th. The format was individual stroke play with low gross and low net payouts. There were two flights in the Junior Division, six flights in the Senior Division, and three flights in the Super Senior Division.
Here are the winners:
Junior Division
Flight 1: Gross 1st, Sharon Hadley; Gross 2nd, Ellen Enright; Net 1st, Lisa Reichert; Net 2nd, Liz Mitchell
Flight 2: Gross 1st, Mary Pinski; Gross 2nd, Denise Gardner; Net 1st, Cindy Greiner; Net 2nd, Laura Ebel
Senior Division
Flight 1: Gross 1st, Ann Page; Gross 2nd, Chanca Morrell; Net 1st, Kathy Smith; Net 2nd, Debbie Sayre and Teresa Christianson
Flight 2: Gross 1st, Lynda Bronzetti; Gross 2nd, Nancy Moore; Net 1st, Kathi Curtis; Net 2nd, Judy Newell
Flight 3: Gross 1st, Barbara Economou; Gross 2nd, Claudia Tiger; Net 1st, Donnie Meyers; Net 2nd, Cathy Schafer
Flight 4: Gross 1st, Pam Volm; Gross 2nd, Carol Langhardt; Net 1st, Chris Cook; Net 2nd, Mary Pat Burson
Flight 5: Gross 1st, Joanne Metivier; Gross 2nd, Gayle Hubbard; Net 1st, Sue White; Net 2nd, Elaine Carlson
Flight 6: Gross 1st, Judy Layton; Gross 2nd, Jeannie Alvarez; Net 1st, Susan Harris; Net 2nd, Pamela Berg
Super Senior Division
Flight 1: Gross 1st, Donna Havener; Gross 2nd, Mary Falso; Net 1st, Paula Fix; Net 2nd, Mary Coon, Arlene Engelbert, Louise Levanti
Flight 2: Gross 1st, Diana Hull; Gross 2nd, Jane Wiederhold; Net 1st, Dede Good; Net 2nd, Nancy Dusenbery
Flight 3: Gross 1st, Sharon Becker; Gross 2nd, Karin Smith; Net 1st, Pat DeMatties; Net 2nd, Marilyn Holland
Overall Champions (each winning $100)
Senior Division Overall Gross Champion: Barbara Patrow
Senior Division Overall Net Champion: Kathleen Carney
Super Senior Division Overall Gross Champion: Carolyn Apodaca
Super Senior Division Overall Net Champion: Diane Galewski
From the immortal words of Walt Disney, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
Congratulations to all the winners! You are an inspiration to us all!