PCLGA tournament participants. Front row (left to right): Cindy Sota, Andrea Dilger, Kathy Hubert-Wyss, Marilyn Reynolds; Back row: Louise Levanti, Carol Sanders, Linda Thompson, Layne Sheridan, Carolyn Suttles, Liz Mitchell, Jane Hee, Mary Falso, Ellen Enright, and Sheri Sears. Not pictured: Donnie Meyers.

Mary Falso, first place legend’s flight.

Layne Sheridan, second place, second flight.
Chris Duprey
Fifteen PebbleCreek ladies took their golf skills on Sept. 4 through 6, to the State Women’s Amateur Seniors Championship at Briarwood Country Club in Sun City West. The three-day competition had a field of ladies from clubs all over the Valley.
The flights were broken down by age and golfers ranged from 50 to 86 years young.
The PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) had the following women compete in the tournament: Andrea Dilger, Carol Sanders, Sheri Sears, Carolyn Suttles, Cindy Sota, Donnie Meyers, Ellen Enright, Jane Hee, Kathy Hubert-Wyss, Layne Sheridan, Liz Mitchell, Linda Thompson, Louise Levanti, Mary Falso, and Marilyn Reynolds.
Carolyn Suttles, PCLGA’s Arizona Golf Association Representative, reported that the course was beautiful, but that the heat was challenging. A great time was had by all.
Two PCLGA players won in their flights. Mary Falso took first place gross in the legend’s flight and Layne Sheridan took second place gross in the second flight. The ladies played 54 holes of stroke play over the three days. Congratulations to Mary and Layne!