Chris Duprey
Plans are underway for this year’s Summer Sizzler Tournament, Red Hot Sombrero Frolic. Tournament co-chairs Sue White and Judi Floyd have been hard at work planning this fun event.
The tournament will be held on Aug. 13 at Tuscany Falls-East. The game will be individual gross and net while hitting from the red tees. Mulligans and Red Hot Putts will be available to everyone, as well as many other surprises on the course!
After the round, the players will gather at the Oasis Pool where they will enjoy a catered Mexican meal by Taco Lady.
Check out the PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) website for all of the details regarding the tournament. You do not want to miss the registration deadline of Aug. 6 and not be a part of this sizzling, red-hot tournament.