Ruth Ann Mitchell
On April 26, the PebbleCreek Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCL9GA) held the spring annual meeting and the installation of officers at the Rose Ceremony. It was followed by the announcement of Club Championship, Senior Legacy, and Medallion winners and the Most Improved Player of the Year.
Patti Engelhardt, PCL9GA president 2022-23, will be joined by newly elected officers Suzanne Butler, president elect; Joan Smith, secretary; and Kathy Mitchell, treasurer.
The Low Gross Club Champion is Tina Stepzinski and the Low Net Club Champion is Thelma Svoboda. Lynn Havens is the Low Gross Senior Legacy winner and Cherri Baxter is the Low Net Senior Legacy winner. Cathi Helman was named the Most Improved Player of the Year.
The Medallion winners are: Low Gross winners—Rhonda King, Char Morrow, and Sue Frens and Low Net winners—Cherri Baxter, Linda Reinke, and Patti Engelhardt. They will represent PCL9GA at the Medallion tournament in January 2023. Last year’s Medallion winners were acknowledged: Pat West, Tina Stepzinski, Char Morrow—Low Gross winners, and Alberta Hohn, Jeanette Ammons, and Linda Adams—Low Net winners. Pat West and Jeanette Ammons placed second in this year’s Medallion tournament.
Diane Burns thanked her board and committee members for all of their hard work and support. We enjoyed a refreshing sorbet dessert in the Chianti Room, after playing golf on a rather warm day for this time of year.