PC Tennis players are givers

Two car loads of toys were donated by PebbleCreek Tennis Club members.

Two car loads of toys were donated by PebbleCreek Tennis Club members.

Susie Anderson

The women staying at the New Life Center were so delighted by the two car loads of toys that the PebbleCreek Tennis Club members donated. We collected 150 toys and gifts for children and moms for their Christmas. The toys went into a special store at the center and mothers were able to select anything they needed for their children. Thanks to all who donated and helped families in need and for Carol and Jim McKenna for being Santa’s helpers.

Our Christmas party was attended by happy people who ate, danced and were entertained by a guest performer named Gypsy. The first mixers of the year were PebbleCreek’s Rockin’ New Year Social and the inter-club match at Sun City West. We have more mixers and tournaments planned for February and March. On Sunday, February 19 at 4:00 p.m. and on Saturday, March 4 in the morning are two more times to play mixed doubles with your fellow tennis club members.

The Ladies’ Drop-In is starting again on February 1. Thanks to Jeannie, Donna and Lynn who volunteered to organize this on the Eagle’s Nest side. Play will be on courts 1, 2 and 3 at 10:00 to 11:30 every Wednesday. Every woman who wants to play tennis (all levels) is welcome to come. Don’t be shy if you are rusty – no worries!

Please pay your dues of $30 for players and $15 for social members by dropping your check in the lockbox on the wall in the Tuscany Tennis Building.

For information and contacts for anything tennis go to our website: www.pebblecreektennis.org. You will see the waiver form for joining and form for ordering a nametag on the web and also on the whiteboard in the Tuscany Tennis Building.