PC Singles tour Amazon

Jan Hansen

Twenty-seven members of the PC Singles Club toured the Amazon Fulfillment Center in Phoenix on Oct. 18. Amazon fulfillment centers not only store products but serve as distribution centers where employees pick, pack, and ship orders quickly and efficiently. Amazon operates more than 175 fulfillment centers around the world. Their robotics, scanning machines, and computer systems can track millions of items in a day. Jobs are readily available just about any time of the year, starting at a minimum wage of $15. After the tour the members enjoyed lunch at Portillo’s in Avondale.

As we approach a new year, Singles Club members are encouraged to become more active and involved by suggesting new activities and events, and by volunteering on the various committees within the club. Member participation is instrumental in any organization in making it successful. We encourage and welcome all single residents of PebbleCreek, both full or part time residents, to join the Singles Club. The club has a strong commitment in giving back to the local community, which was evident recently when members spent several hours at St. Mary’s Food Bank helping fill food boxes for the less fortunate.

The calendar for the upcoming months is filled with numerous activities and social gatherings. Special events on the calendar for the month of December are: Dinner then the APS Electric Light Parade, Members Holiday Party at Tuscany Chianti Room, Nutcracker Suite performed by Ballet AZ. at the Phoenix Symphony Hall, and the holiday classic It’s a Wonderful Life at the Don Bluth Front Row Theatre, followed by dinner at the Scottsdale Beer Co. Looking forward to the New Year, social activities on the calendar include a New Year’s Eve Dinner/Dance, The Medieval Times in Scottsdale, and a Line Dancing/Valentine Party.

The Singles Club meets on the first Sunday of the month at The Tuscany Ballroom beginning at 2:15 p.m. for new member registration. A general membership meeting takes place at 3 p.m. followed by a social gathering at the Long Drive Lounge prior to having dinner at a nearby restaurant. Additional information is available by contacting Membership Director, Carolyn Bates, at 602-309-0224, or on the website at www.pcsingles.org.