Members of the PC Singles Club practicing social distancing prior to a round of golf.
Jan Hansen
While the social activities of the Singles Club have been suspended due to the pandemic, members have found ways to stay physically active. Golf being just one of the activities along with pickleball, tennis, hiking, and swimming, or simply relaxing by the pool. Dave Shaffner, golf chairperson, has been doing an outstanding job of obtaining tee times for anywhere from four to six foursomes, twice a month on Saturdays. The sign up for golf is on the website for any members interested in playing.
Recently, members were also offered the opportunity to stop by Sunrise Park for an ice cream treat and to say hi to fellow members, all while maintaining social distancing. Also, Toscano’s Restaurant is now open with extended hours, available for breakfast, lunch, and/or an early dinner. It is an opportunity to get together with a few friends and enjoy a good meal.
Due to the gathering restrictions in PebbleCreek facilities, monthly meetings normally held on the first Sunday of every month, are temporarily on hold. If you’re interested in joining or would like more information on the Singles Club, contact the
membership director, Lynne Johnson, at 623-213-8206 or visit the website at www.pcsingles.org