When a dog goes to a home the bed made by the PebbleCreek Quilters goes with him/her.
Ronda Jones
The PebbleCreek Quilters are dedicated to helping many of our local charities. Among them is the Arizona Humane Society.
Foster dogs are waiting to be adopted. They are dogs that are too young to be adopted; it could be a mother and her babies; they could have had amputations, etc. Until that time they are placed in foster care. The Humane Society currently has about 200 dogs that are in need of homes. 750 dogs are already in foster care.
Our members save all of the scraps that they accumulate from making quilts and other projects. All sizes of beds are sewn and we use these scraps to stuff the bed. The completed bed is given to the Arizona Humane Society for a little comfort for the foster dogs; when the dog goes to a home the bed goes with him/her.
To become a part of PebbleCreek Quilters, stop by the DiamondBack Room in the Fiber Arts Building and visit with a quilter. Visit our website wwwpebblecreekquilters.org for more information