Left to right: Patti Wegehaupt, Sue Tearpak, Pat Lindsay, Rich Karp, Pam Marshall, Sandy Kolls, and Marcia Hall-Brown (photo courtesy of Lori Adair)
Rich Karp, President of PC Players Community Theater
The above photo shows members of the PebbleCreek Players Community Theater’s Board (PCP) presenting a check for $10,000 to Pam Marshall, chair of the Vibrant Arts Community fundraising group, in anticipation of the major expansion planned for the Creative Arts Center. Pam is happy to report that, with this contribution, the fund has now topped the $100,000 mark towards its goal of $200,000. The PCP members overwhelmingly approved this donation as a way to give back to the wonderful community here in PebbleCreek that so enthusiastically supports the performing arts. PCP has been a beneficiary of that support and recognizes the contribution all our organizations make to support the excellent lifestyle that we enjoy.