The Team Spirit of the Senators! Left to Right: Doug Christensen, Bill Palmer. Dave Silverstein, Tony Palmer, Gary Luders, Jeff Buda, Mike D’Onofrio, John Gimon, Glenn Grube and “owner of the team,” Melissa Kallett.
For baseball fans and lovers of great musicals: Damn Yankees
Carrie Mataraza
If you are a baseball fan of a certain age, you’ll remember the years when the Yankees dominated Major League Baseball by winning pennants and publicity. Depending upon your loyalties, you either reminisce with fondness or you will be tempted to say, “Those Damn Yankees.” And that, PebbleCreekers, is the premise of the musical comedy Damn Yankees, ShowTime’s spring production.
The show’s title is uttered in irritation by character Joe Boyd (Doug Christensen) who wishes his favorite team, the Washington Senators, would beat the Yankees; during a moment of frustration Joe agrees to sell his soul to the Devil, appearing to him as Mr. Applebee (Steffen Jacobson), to achieve a Senators victory. In a flash, the devilish Applebee turns Joe into a young, talented slugger named Joe Hardy (Gary Luders), the long ball hitter the Senators need to win.
The story goes from there to include Joe’s wife Meg (Patrice Cole), a temptress named Lola (Nancy Davis) and ace reporter, Gloria (Carole Palmer). Joe has given up everything — his wife Meg and his comfortable life as Joe Boyd. In turn, will Applebee stay true to his word and make Joe a hero? Will Joe be happy when he leaves Meg to become a young baseball star? How does Lola figure into the Devil’s scheme? And do the Senators beat the Yankees after all?
What a fun show! Many songs made popular with Damn Yankees’ debut on Broadway in 1955 (It ran for over 1,000 performances) are classics today: songs such as Whatever Lola Wants, (You Gotta Have) Heart, Two Lost Souls and more. Damn Yankees has been reprised many times since then, on tour throughout the U.S. and back on Broadway in the 1990s for another 718 performances. It became a movie in 1958 and now there is talk that a contemporary film will soon be made starring Jim Carrey and Jake Gyllenhaal.
Directed by ShowTime veteran Kathy Mitchell, the cast is already in rehearsal and eager to bring the musical to life in PebbleCreek. Damn Yankees is scheduled for performance soon after spring training ends at our Goodyear Ballpark. Baseball fans and lovers of great musicals both will have some extra game time on the Renaissance stage for six nights beginning Monday, April 11 and playing through Saturday, April 16. Stay tuned. Tickets go on sale Saturday, March 12 in the Renaissance Theatre (8:00 a.m.) and in the Eagle’s Nest Kiosk; schedule TBA.

Newell Tarrant and Shirley Robinson as Norman and Ethel Thayer in PC Players production, On Golden Pond
Tickets on sale for On Golden Pond
Laurie Farquhar
The PebbleCreek spring performing arts season opens in a few weeks and tickets for the first production, On Golden Pond, go on sale this month. PC Players is presenting this award-winning Broadway show at the Renaissance Theatre for only four nights from Wednesday, March 9 to Saturday, March 12.
On Golden Pond is a heart-warming story about Ethel and Norman Thayer who are spending the summer at their lakeside cabin for the forty-eighth year. Like many long married couples, they know how to make fun of each other and themselves in a good natured way. They also have family and health issues that will resonate with many PebbleCreekers as Norman explores his turbulent relationship with his daughter and fights the effects of aging.
There will be familiar faces in this production as all the cast members have been in other popular PC Players shows. Newell Tarrant and Shirley Robinson, who play Norman and Ethel, were in Bell Book and Candle and Harvey, respectively. Kate Tracy, who plays daughter Chelsea, was in the farce Lend Me a Tenor, while Joel Walters, who plays her fiancé Bill, was recently in the madcap comedy The 39 Steps. Ann Silverstein who appears as young Billie, Jim Greer who takes on the role of Charlie Martin and Sheila Jacobson, the telephone operator, were all part of the cast of the quirky southern play, Mama Won’t Fly.
The opening day of ticket sales for On Golden Pond is Saturday, February 6 from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the Renaissance Theatre. Starting Monday, February 8, tickets will be available at the Eagle’s Nest kiosk from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. All tickets are only $15.
Be sure to reserve your seat early because whether you enjoy quick-witted comedy or stories that tug at your heartstrings, On Golden Pond offers both in an evening of great theater.
PebbleCreek’s own Band of Renown
Brenda Hyman
Look into your partner’s eyes, remember it in your mind’s eye, tap your feet and clap your hands—those wonderful memories are alive when our own PebbleCreek Big Band starts playing. Led by Bruce Birnel (our personal Les Brown), we can all enjoy the music of Glen Miller, Duke Ellington, Frank Sinatra, Perez Prado, George and Ira Gershwin etc. The program also features the Latin stylings of PebbleCreek’s own SILK ensemble.
Set your alarms early and step right up to purchase tickets on Saturday, March 18, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. at the Renaissance Theatre for the PebbleCreek Musicians product of A Burst of Music IX. This annual SRO production, now in its ninth year, is well attended and loved by our residents. Performance dates are Thursday, March 31, Friday, April 1 and Saturday, April 2.
Jerry Layne, our famous ventriloquist, professional emcee and performer plus an all-around nice guy will be the host of the show. Be prepared for many laughs and songs for these beloved annual events.
Here are the particulars:
$15 per person; sales begin on Saturday, March 18, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. – Renaissance Theatre
Additional sales will be at the Eagle’s Nest Ticket Kiosk on:
Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. (week of March 20 and March 27); 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., (March 23) 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. (March 30)
Tickets may be available at the door on the night of each performance, but don’t chance it! They are magnificent evenings that are usually sold out!
Spring is just around the corner—A Burst of Music IX welcomes the season! Don’t miss these shows. They are keepers. Season number nine is the best yet!

Section Leaders Beverly Griggs, Nancy Gustafson and Norleen Shelton meet with Choral Director Gail Kennedy to go over the musical selections she has chosen for the PC Singers’ Spring Concert.
PC Singers rehearsals in full swing
Donna Swagger
Shake off the winter doldrums and swing into spring! That’s what the PebbleCreek Singers are doing as they prepare for their annual spring concert. Performance dates are Wednesday, April 27 through Saturday, April 30 at 7:00 p.m. in the Renaissance Theatre.
With three weeks of full-chorus rehearsals completed, the choristers are ready to get down to the nitty gritty and begin working with their section leaders. Divide and conquer is the secret, as each section concentrates on learning notes, rhythms, difficult passages, etc., pinpointed for that specific voice part.
After this, the individual sections unite for full-chorus rehearsal with Director Gail Kennedy. The schedule is demanding, but the Singers will rise to the challenge! Audiences expect a polished, top-notch performance from the chorus and that is what this talented group will deliver!
Spring brings thoughts of fresh and new and the music for this program is just that! Director Gail Kennedy has put together a program that features brand new arrangements of time-tested songs that have become standards in the music industry. The concert includes vintage classics from the 1920s and 1930s, some rock ‘n roll numbers and pop classics from the 1960s, 70s and 80s, songs from the movies, some energetic and rhythmic gospel tunes, a few humorous novelty numbers and two a cappella numbers. Numbers will be performed by the full chorus, small ensembles and soloists.
First day of ticket sales for the spring concert is Saturday, April 2, 2016, from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the Renaissance Theatre. Be sure to mark this date on your calendar! Don’t miss this evening of fabulous entertainment!
Opportunity Knocks
PC Musicians:
Do you now or did you ever play a musical instrument? Would you like to work out your talents here in PebbleCreek? If so, the PebbleCreek Musicians would like to talk with you. For more information, please contact Bruce Birnel at [email protected] and indicate what instrument you play, how long you have played and playing experience (bands, solo, etc.). Also say if you can read music.
Here is your chance to shine in the spotlight! ShowTime is looking for directors to propose future shows they would like to direct. Experience is strongly preferred. Contact Dave Silverstein, vice president of ShowTime Productions at [email protected].