Sophie Shrum and her Fox fiancé Joel Walters take a practice shot at hilarity in a scene from this very funny golf comedy.
PC Players brings the comedy of golf center stage with The Fox On The Fairway
Carrie Mataraza
PC Players ups the comedy game when it brings The Fox on the Fairway to the Renaissance Theater stage March 8 through 11. Written by Ken Ludwig, who also wrote Lend me a Tenor, this laugh-out-loud farce is all about golf – or is it?
Replete with Marx Brothers-like antics, the humor incorporates an elaborate plot and six ditzy characters. The action centers around the taproom of the Quail Valley Golf Club, which is holding an annual tournament between its golfers and their archrival, Crouching Squirrel Club, which has won the tournament for the past five years. The passion they have for the game of golf mixes it up with romance and mistaken identities and results in a hilarious, energetic show that is oh, so much fun for golfers who may relate and all non-golfers who enjoy a great hoot.
Directed by PebbleCreek stage veteran Keith Longley, the cast is having so much fun at rehearsals, they want them to go on and on, but just until their performances are perfectly timed and polished to give PebbleCreek audiences a teasing look at the game of golf, just for the fun of it.
While you are deciding which performance you’d like to attend, ponder these remarks. Mark Twain called golf “a good walk spoiled” and– G.K. Chesterton said, “I regard golf as an expensive way of playing marbles.” Jack Benny joked, “Give me golf clubs, fresh air and a beautiful partner and you can keep the clubs and the fresh air,” all helping to prove that no matter if you love the game of golf or know little about it, The Fox on the Fairway is sure to bring on the belly laughs.
So make a golf date for any evening, March 8 through 11, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Renaissance Theater and get ready to enjoy this hole-in-one comedy the likes of which you haven’t experienced before.
Tickets for The Fox on the Fairway will be sold both online and in person. Now, at your convenience, you can access the theater seating chart, choose your seats and pay for them on your home computer beginning Saturday, February 4 online at 8:00 a.m. You can print out your tickets right then and there, too. Simply go to the link at http://pc-players.org.
It is easy, but if you’d prefer, PC Players will also have in-person ticket sales beginning on February 4 from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the Renaissance Theater and following at the Eagle’s Nest kiosk on Monday and Friday mornings from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. until March 5.
Save the date
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, January 18, 19 and 20
The Roving Readers present The Phillip Marlowe Radio Mystery Theater: The Red Wind
This old time radio show is presented complete with sound effects, commercials and even Burns and Allen! Enjoy The Red Wind while you enjoy a hamburger or hot dog with fixings and ice cream. Please check on the eGroup to see if any tickets are still available.
Wednesday through Saturday, March 8 through 11
PC Players comedy The Fox on the Fairway, a comedy revolving around a golf tournament for those who love the game and those who simply love laughing.
Saturday, February 4, first day of ticket sales both online at http://pc-players.org and at the Renaissance Theater in person from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Following sales at the Eagle’s Nest Kiosk Monday and Friday mornings from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. until March 5.
Monday through Saturday, April 3 through 8
ShowTime presents Spamalot, a parody of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table based on the Monty Python telling of the legend. Tickets go on sale on March 4 in the Renaissance Theater from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Kiosk sale times TBA.
Thursday through Saturday, March 23 through 25
PC Musicians Burst of Music X
Ticket sales begin Saturday, March 11 from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the Renaissance Theater. Additional sales dates TBA.
Wednesday through Saturday, April 26 through 29
PC Singers Spring Concert. Watch for sales times and dates TBA.

Big Band in rehearsal for Burst of Music X
The PebbleCreek Musicians presents: A Burst of Music X, 10th Anniversary Show
Norma Whitley
Our talented PebbleCreek Musicians are busy preparing and rehearsing for the upcoming spring performance of A Burst of Music X. This event promises to be a spectacular show celebrating the tenth anniversary of the series, A Burst of Music. Come join us for an enjoyable evening featuring a variety of musical selections including pop, jazz, classical, rock and much more in the newly renovated Renaissance Theater.
The performances, hosted by Jerry Layne, feature both the PebbleCreek Big Band under the direction of Bruce Birnel and the PebbleRock Band.
Performance Information
Dates: March 23, 24 and 25 (Thursday through Saturday)
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Renaissance Theater
Ticket price: $15
Mark your calendar for the first day for ticket sales for this popular event on Saturday, March 11 from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the Renaissance Theater. Additional sales dates will be added as needed and will be announced next month.

The cast of Spamalot begins rehearsals.
Spamalot: The quest begins
Laurie Farquhar
The quest for the Holy Grail has come to PebbleCreek. Rehearsals have begun for ShowTime’s spring production of Spamalot and the cast and crew are very excited about this show.
Karyn Horst, who has directed some of ShowTime’s most popular musicals and is at the helm for this extravaganza, says there are several new people in the cast, along with many familiar faces. As well, almost 20 members of Dance Fusion will perform. With more than 50 actors, singers and dancers taking on roles as brave knights, beautiful chorus girls, dancing monks, dead bodies and more, this production will be a true test of the newly expanded back stage area of the Renaissance Theater.
Spamalot is based on the 1975 movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail and, like the film, it is a parody of the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. It opened on Broadway in 2005 and during its initial run of 1500 performances it was seen by more than two million people. Since then, Monty Python lovers from around the world have laughed and cheered the knights’ escapades in this award-winning musical. ShowTime’s production will run only six nights from Monday, April 3 to Saturday, April 8. Tickets will go on sale Saturday, March 4.
Mark your calendar with these dates because Spamalot promises to be a highlight in PebbleCreek’s spring performing arts season. It won’t be long before you hear the whole community humming Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.

Our Raffle Ticket Team: “Sister Mary” Shotzie Workman, “Father” Chris Raptopolous and “Father” Tim Alonzo
Nunsense raffle supports St. Mary’s Food Bank
Kathy Mitchell
The ShowTime production of Nunsense was another big success with PebbleCreek audiences. You didn’t have to grow up Catholic to appreciate the humor and energy of the five special nuns who sang and danced their way into everyone’s heart.
The musical was often interactive with the audience, the nuns talking to the crowd and then quizzing them on the “lesson” at hand, showing what it must have been like for students in Catholic schools.
And what Catholic fundraiser would be complete without a raffle? Audience participants were invited to purchase 50/25/25 raffle tickets for two monetary prizes that were given away during intermission. The premise was to raise money for the Sisters of Hoboken Freezer Fund (you had to be there to get the humor), but in fact, the money raised from the actual raffle, all $1,610 of it, was given to St. Mary’s Food Bank here in our community just in time for Thanksgiving celebrations. The total money donated to St. Mary’s included $555 dollars from the five generous winners who returned their prize money to the collection.
ShowTime is very appreciative of our wonderful Nunsense audiences and the generosity and good will they showed by contributing to the raffle in support of St. Mary’s Food Bank.
Rave reviews for PC Singers Christmas concert
Donna Swagger
The PebbleCreek Singers enjoyed another successful holiday concert, singing to a full house every performance. Post-concert chatter commended Director Gail Kennedy for a “magnificent song selection” and an “amazing night of music and singing.” Audiences called the concert a “first class, topnotch performance,” a “fabulous singing treat,” a magnificent night of musical entertainment” and a “most memorable, get in the festive mood performance!” Director Kennedy and the Singers extend thanks to all our friends and neighbors who came out to help us usher in the holiday season.
After a brief hiatus over the holidays, the Singers’ thoughts turn to spring. The new year brings the start of rehearsals for the annual spring concert. The singers will reconvene on Monday, January 9 at 2:30 p.m. in the Renaissance Theater.
PebbleCreek Singers is currently auditioning new members. Have you ever considered singing with us? Now is the time to let us know! The audition process is simple and private. You’ll be given sheet music and a CD to practice your voice part. We will have someone work with you to learn the parts if you wish. We are accepting applications for all voice parts. You must be a PebbleCreek resident. Previous choral experience and ability to read music are advantageous. Call Nancy Gustafson (623-215-3292) or pick up an application form at the club information center in Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse.
Spring concert performance dates are Wednesday through Saturday, April 26, 27, 28 and 29. Watch for future articles in the PebbleCreek Post for program details and scheduled ticket sales.