PC Singers welcomed new and returning faces for spring concert. Back row (left to right): John Arpan, Joan Ausman, Marlys Ross, Kathi Eckert; Front row: Patrice Chatterton, Elysa Luick and Karen Rugg.
PC Singers say ‘thank you’ for community support
Diane Piehl
“Sing Americana” was an uplifting tribute to America. The PebbleCreek Singers thanks the community for once again enthusiastically supporting the chorus. Surely you may have noticed a few new and returning faces to the concert stage. We were delighted to welcome four additional altos: Joan Ausman, Elysa Luick, Marlys Ross and Kathi Eckert; new bass, John Arpan; second soprano, Patrice Chatterton and first soprano, Karen Rugg. Post-concert recruitment will enhance the chorus by the holiday concert.
The Singers will be taking a hiatus for a few months prior to beginning rehearsals for the Christmas concert in mid-August. You may want to “save those dates” now for before you know it, Christmas will arrive. Dates are December 4-7, 2019.
If you have an interest in singing with our “hometown” chorus, pick up an application across from the Eagle’s Nest Pro Shop, complete and contact Nancy Gustafson, who will make arrangements to meet with you and help find the part which best suits your voice.
Auditions to be held this month for ‘The Kitchen Witches’
Laurie Farquhar
Take two rival cooking show hostesses; add a fiery dislike for each other; mix in some hot tempers and what do you get? A television ratings smash!
This fall, PC Players is presenting the hilarious comedy, The Kitchen Witches – the story of competing chefs, Dolly Biddle and Isobel Lomax, who are forced to work together on a low-budget cable access show even though they have hated each other for more than 30 years. Insults and food fly freely during the show and even the audience becomes part of this recipe for chaos.
Auditions for the show are scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, and Thursday, May 23, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., in the Capri Room in Tuscany Falls Clubhouse. Audition materials are available from the show’s producer Patti Wegehaupt at [email protected] or 623-536-7233. Rehearsals will begin June 11. The show runs four nights from Wednesday, October 23, to Saturday October 26.
The Kitchen Witches is an award-winning script that has been produced around the world and PebbleCreek will be the next audience to fall in love with this madcap comedy. So, come join the fun of being part of a PC Players production. No cooking experience is required.
Questions? Contact Director Sandra Hand at 720-479-8107 or [email protected].
Burst of Music XII wows PebbleCreek audiences
Susan Kice
For three nights they came. For three nights they filled every seat in the theater. For three nights they came expecting to be blown away by the sounds of The PebbleCreek Big Band, and that they were! What an awesome sound was produced as evidenced by months of practice and rehearsals. The Musicians were rewarded with more than enthusiastic audiences and frequent, spontaneous applause as various soloists took their turn in showcasing their talent.
From an energetic opening number to romantic old love songs to upbeat Latin numbers, a wide range of music from various genres was included in the program. And then there were the vocalists; Karen Follett belting out Hey Mambo, Mambo Italiano and Barry Jeannelle crooning for you to just Help Yourself as audiences expressed their approval with loud applause and cheers. The Master of Ceremonies, making his debut with Burst of Music, was Bob Young. Bob is a natural and had everyone laughing at his humor and quick wit. One theater-goer said he kind of reminded her of another Bob…Bob Hope! Overheard by another theater-goer, “Can I buy my tickets now for Burst of Music XIII, as I’m sure every performance is going to be a sell-out!”
A very moving video tribute to the late Jerry Layne, highlighting his life and career as a ventriloquist and entertainer was shown. Compiled by his daughter, Meredith, it reminded us what a great talent Jerry had and how he willingly shared it with all of PebbleCreek. Jerry with his “friends,” was Master of Ceremonies for Burst of Music for nine years prior to his passing in June 2018. Verbal tributes were also given by Director Bruce Birnel and Melissa Kallett.
It was also announced that Bruce Birnel has decided to step-down as Director of The PebbleCreek Big Band. Jeff Buda has accepted the position and hopes to fill the very big shoes left by his predecessor.