PC HOA Board of Directors meeting notes February 18, 2015 (Draft)

PebbleCreek Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors Meeting. Wednesday, February 18, 2015, Tuscany Falls Ballroom; 11:00 a.m.

Present: John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA, Nancy Wilson Smith/Vice-President/PCHOA, Jack Sarsam/Treasurer/PCHOA and George Atwell/Director/PCHOA.

Call to order and introductions by John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA.

Motion by Gregg Clymer to approved the proposed draft of the January 21, 2015, Board of Directors meeting minutes, seconded by Nancy Wilson Smith. Unanimously approved.

Bill Barnard/General Manager Report: GM report was presented by Mr. Barnard and will be available for viewing on the PCHOA website pebblecreek.org.>governance>HOA Board. Copies of his report will be available upon request.

Employee of the month acknowledgements: Mr. Kiekbusch and Mr. Bernard recognized four employees jointly for the month of January 2015. These individuals were key to the success of the best major event ever held here at PebbleCreek, the Texas Tenors. Ken Sergio/ Director of Facilities, Patti Wegehaupt/Activities, Melissa Gonzales/Director of Food & Beverage and Traci Baker/Director of Community Activities.

Marion Moskal/Finance Operations Manager Report: Finance report will be available upon request and for viewing on the PCHOA website.

Question from resident: “What is the HOA net worth? – Response: Approximately upwards of $50 million. Mr. Moskal compared PebbleCreek to Litchfield Park in size and stated that Litchfield Park has a budget of $11.3 million while PebbleCreek has a budget of $16 million for 2015.

Motion by Gregg Clymer to approve the proposed Unit Rep. volunteer Violet Kaounis/Unit 4, seconded by Nancy Wilson Smith. Unanimously approved.

Director Comments:

Nancy Wilson Smith: Thank you all for showing interest in the community by coming out today.

Gregg Clymer: The HOA hosted the Volunteer Appreciation event in the Chianti Room earlier this month. While the room was full it only represented a small number of the many volunteers working for us. Sometimes we wake up and forget we are not in Disneyland. The reason we think we are in Disneyland is because of what we get from our volunteers here at PebbleCreek. The hours and hours of time they donate to keep our Community looking and working like it does. I want to thank each and every one of them for their service to the Community.

John Kiekbusch: I appreciate all of you coming out to these meetings. It takes a lot of people to keep this place running. I would like to introduce Sherry Gonzales/Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. The committee has started to hold community meetings. It is about an hour and a half program intended to identify current advantages and opportunities that the community offers to our homeowners. I encourage people to come and join us. Thank you again for coming out today.

Motion to adjourn by Nancy Wilson Smith, seconded by Gregg Clymer. Unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted by: Theresa M. Evans/Administrator to the PCHOA Board of Directors.