Left to right: Clare Bangs, Tom O’Reilly, Neal Wring, Mike Trapp, Stacey Miller, Kris Raczkiewicz, Steve McElroy, and Lynn Warren (photographer) pausing after descending from Pyrite Summit in Buckeye’s Skyline Park.
Hikers Challenge Skyline
Lynn Warren
On Sept. 25, on one of the first hikes of the 2024-25 season, eight experienced “B” hikers got an early start at Buckeye’s Skyline Park and completed a 9.7-mile loop which encompassed three challenging climbs to Mountain Wash, Pyrite Summit and the north side of Turnbuckle, for a total elevation gain of 1700 feet. The early start was essential since later in the day the temperature soared to 113 degrees. The hikers got pretty hot during the hike but were well prepared for “summer” hiking with snacks and hydration, and enjoyed the impressive Skyline scenery. Why not join the hiking club and you, too, can enjoy interesting and scenic outings like this with a great group of people; visit the club website at pchikers.org for more information and photos.

The Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim team pausing below the North Rim on the North Kaibab Trail, from left to right, are: Joyce Raidle and Rob Gold (logistical support), Neal Wring, Steve McElroy, Tom O’Reilly, and Stacey Miller.
Hikers Go Rim-to-Rim
Several million people visit Grand Canyon National Park every year but only a small fraction actually hike in the canyon, much less cross it. One item on the bucket list for many serious, physically fit hikers is to complete a Rim-to-Rim (R2R) hike in one day. On Oct. 1, after several weeks of training, six PebbleCreek hikers headed to the Grand Canyon to conduct a R2R the next day. Because of persistent triple-digit temperatures, the hikers started their south-to-north hike at 10:30 that night and finished the next day around 11:30 a.m., covering roughly 22 miles with 6400 feet of elevation gain. Hiking at night causes you to miss scenery but you also miss most of the extreme heat. Four hikers completed the hike and two provided valuable logistical support since, even though the North Rim is only 10 miles from the South Rim, it requires a four-hour drive by car. Completing the R2R hike gives hikers a well-deserved bragging right of being members of the “One Percenters” fraternity.

Left to right: Laurie Malatesta, Kris Raczkiewicz, Stacey Miller, Clare Bangs, Rowena Stephenson, and Lynn Warren (photographer) pausing near the Horse Staging Area after a quick hike in the White Tank Mountain Regional Park and Maricopa Trail on a hot morning.
Hikers Enjoy a Flat Hike
Lynn Warren
Because of lingering record heat, the hiking club has tended to conduct shorter hikes closer to PebbleCreek. On Oct. 5, six acclimated “B” hikers headed to the Horse Staging Area in White Tank Mountain Regional Park and began a 9-mile hike that proceeded out of the park onto the Maricopa Trail. During the extremely hot weather this year, for safety, the club limited hikes to 10 miles or less, with moderate elevation gain. This hike qualified and was definitely flat since the elevation gain was only 150 feet. Normally, the hike would have gone to the Sun Valley trailhead at Bell Road but, for this hike, the turnaround point was about a mile short of Bell Road. Join the club and you too can enjoy the Arizona outdoors with a fun group of people. Visit the club website at pchikers.org for more information and photos.