“A” Hikers Bushwhack Pyrite Ridge

Left to right: Neal Wring, Kris Raczkiewicz, Dave Ausman (“Ausy”), Eileen Lords-Mosse, Stacey Miller, Mike Tansey, and Lynn Warren (photographer) pausing for a photo high on the ridgeline with Pyrite peak in the distant background.
Lynn Warren
The club hikes at four levels of difficulty; “A” hikes tend to be longer and harder but not always in remote areas, and on Oct. 31, seven PebbleCreek Hikers got an early start at nearby Skyline Park. They completed a 9.1-mile, 1500 ft., scenic but strenuous off-trail climb/scramble up the challenging ridgeline to connect with the trail which led to Pyrite Summit, which provided great views of Skyline and the valley west of Buckeye. The club offers hikes six days a week with something appropriate for most levels of fitness. Join the Hiking Club and experience interesting areas you might not visit on your own. See pchikers.org for more information and photos.
“D” Hikers Challenge Morgan City Wash

Left to right: Nadine Eder, Dave Schuldt, Nancy Love, Ann Rohlman, Laurie Rosenbloom, Linda Vaughn, Joe Clarkson, Barb Kripps, Diana Houle, Carol Rice, Tom Wick, George Houle, Art Solorio, and Charlene Elijew (photo by Dennis Zigmunt, hike leader).
Dennis Zigmunt
On Oct. 27, 14 Pebble Creek “D” Hikers headed to Lake Pleasant and bushwhacked through the Morgan City Wash. After some strong storms two weeks earlier, what normally would require a little route-finding guided by orange tape strung in the brush, required pushing through new growth, as well as brush and branches deposited by the storm. However, everyone made it to the lunch break with smiles and a sense of accomplishment. PebbleCreek Hiking Club offers hikers of all abilities the opportunity to enjoy the Arizona outdoors safely.