From left to right: Jim Gillespie, Joe Clarkson, Mary Hill, Les Reister, Pete Williams (hike leader), Alex Elijew, Ron Hoffman, Charlene Elijew and Lynn Warren (photographer) pausing along the Broken Arrow trail on the way to Chicken Point.
Hikers enjoy Red Rock Country
Lynn Warren
On a cool early fall day, nine PC hikers enjoyed a seven-mile loop hike on a combination of trails in Sedona. After reaching Chicken Point, a popular stop for hikers and jeep tours, four hikers went a little higher to get a close-up view of the “White Line,” a seemingly impossible bike trail high on a rock cliff below Twin Buttes (search for “riding the white line in Sedona”). Visit the club’s website at pchikers.org for more information and pictures.

Hikers (left to right): Kathy Sobocinski, Dave Schuldt, Gloria Foro, Tom Wick, Jim Gillespie, Yuko Jamiolkowski, Jeanette Wellman, Art Solorio, Dave Guerden, Jean Dreyfus, Rick Haendel, Jim Frey, Eileen Moose and co-leaders Carol and Roger Sanders. Doug Jamiolkowski was the photographer.
Hikers enjoy hiking the Fantasy Island North Singletrack area
Pete Williams
Sixteen members of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club enjoyed a great day of hiking in the nearby Fantasy Island North Singletrack biking/hiking area on October 25. This was one of our shorter hikes at 4.7 miles. The club does hikes at three levels: 4-5 miles, 5-8 miles and 8-12+ miles. For more photos and information about the club, please check out our website pchikers.org.