Left to right: Clare Bangs, Marilyn Reynolds, Bill Halte, Ed Bobigian, Pete Williams and Lynn Warren (photographer) at an interesting attraction near the Blue Wash trailhead.
Hikers explore Blue Wash – Camp Creek area
Lynn Warren
Blue Wash and Camp Creek are just east of Carefree and the turnoff for Bartlett Reservoir. On June 4, six PebbleCreek Hikers went on what might best be described as a meander through the canyons and washes of this area, experiencing some very interesting scenery and flowers. Although the hikers scrambled through boulders and over mostly dry waterfalls, making the area seem very rugged and remote, it is not far from residential areas and the Sears-Kay Ranch (and ruins). The club hikes five days a week during the regular season (September through April) and researches new trails two days a week during the summer; visit the club website at PCHIKERS.ORG for more information and photos.
Tonto Natural Bridge hike
Pete Williams
On June 9 through 11, four members of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club did an overnight excursion to Payson to hike the Horton Creek, Fossil Springs and Tonto Natural Bridge trails. All three hikes were beautiful and showed that there really is water in Arizona. Standing in front of the tunnel under the Tonto Natural Bridge are (left to right): Pete Williams (expedition leader), Linda Glazer, Lynn Warren (photographer) and Jim Glazer. The bridge is the largest natural travertine bridge in the world. For more great photos and additional information about the club please visit our website at pchikers.org. The next club meeting will be held on the third Thursday in September.

Hikers included (back row, left to right): Pete Williams, Marilyn Reynolds, Lyman Gallup, Ed Bobigian and Lynn Warren (photographer). Seated in front is Bill Halte.
PC Hiking Club goes to Hells Canyon Wilderness
Pete Williams
Six members of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club did a hike to Lucifer’s Gate (in the background) in the Hells Canyon Wilderness near Lake Pleasant on May 25. This was more of a boulder hopping adventure than we typically do, but we wanted to see if there was more than one way to hike to this rock formation as the established trail requires a drive on a very rough dirt road! The club does exploratory hikes during the summer hoping to add to our repertoire of possible hikes. The regular hiking season is late September to early May. For more information and photos please visit our website at pchikers.org.

Left to right: Pete Williams, Bill Halte, Ed Bobigian and Lynn Warren (photographer), next to an interesting cairn at the saddle east of Bighorn Peak.
Hikers complete loop in Big Horn Mountains
Lynn Warren
The imposing Big Horn Mountains visible north of I-10 just west of Tonopah represented a challenge for PebbleCreek Hikers. Usually the third time is the charm but in this case it required four. After three previous unsuccessful attempts from two directions to cross the mountains, the hikers finally got it right on May 21 and completed a nine mile loop from east to west, crossing the mountains at a saddle just east of Bighorn Peak. The hikers didn’t see any bighorn sheep but did enjoy a lot of scenic, although rugged, terrain. The club hikes five days a week during the regular season (September through April) and explores new trails for the upcoming season on Mondays and Thursdays during the summer; visit the club website at pchikers.org for more information and photos.