From left to right: Lynn Warren (photographer), Nancy Love, Clare Bangs, Eileen Lords- Mosse and Wayne McKinney pausing on the Devil’s Bridge trail with beautiful Sedona scenery in the background.
Hikers enjoy a day in Sedona
Lynn Warren
It doesn’t get much better! On May 1, a pleasant, sunny day with puffy white clouds, five “B” hikers headed for the scenic red rock trails in Sedona and enjoyed a ten-mile loop, including going up to and on the always impressive Devil’s Bridge. The group took selfies on the bridge but because of the size of the arch/bridge, the people were too small for a picture in the Post so the group took another photo on the trail just below the bridge. In addition to red rock scenery, the hikers enjoyed a colorful variety of blooming wildflowers and cacti. The hiking club provides opportunities to experience many interesting areas around the valley, as well as occasional trips to areas such as Sedona and Prescott; visit the club’s website at pchikers.org for more information and pictures.

Hikers included (left to right): Tom Wick, Mary Barry, Kay Thomas, Nancy Love, Jon Barry, Dave Schuldt, Wayne Wills, Barbara Kripps, Ron Grove, Dana Thomas, Ann Rohlman, Gary Baker, Art Solorio (hike leader), Carol Rice and Dennis Zigmunt. Doug Jamiolkowski was the photographer.
PebbleCreek Hikers complete regular season
Pete Williams
Hikers from the PebbleCreek Hiking Club completed the regular hiking season with a 4+ mile hike on May 2, in Estrella Mountain Regional Park. The group enjoyed a great hiking day to end the season as it was cooler than normal for this time of year. While the club does a few hikes during the summer for those brave enough to challenge the hot temperatures, summer hiking is not for everyone. The next regular season will begin the fourth week in September.