Members of the PC Democratic Club join cast members Beatrice Crosbie (playing Milo Davenport) and Michael Brennan (playing Henri Baurel) from An American in Paris at the Arizona Broadway Theater.
Jan Race and Judy Hart
The PebbleCreek Democratic Club ventured far and wide to attend local cultural events. Most recently, 25 members and some friends traveled on a dreary, rainy day to the Arizona Broadway Theater in Peoria, where they were transported to the City of Light while seeing An American in Paris. The musical stage adaptation of the Academy Award-winning film features some of George and Ira Gershwin’s most beloved music, including: I Got Rhythm, The Man I Love and They Can’t Take That Away From Me. It’s a story of hope, romance and love in a city rebuilding from the heartbreak of World War II.
In honor of Black History Month, 26 club members went to the KAX Stage of the Herberger Theater in downtown Phoenix to attend A Coming of Warriors which examines the under-explored subject of African American women who served in World War II, which helped reshape the landscape of gender, race and social attitudes during a time of upheavel and change.
And what could be better than spending a warm, sunny January afternoon on the lawn at the Wigwam Resort? On January 27, members of the PC Dem Club enjoyed the Litchfield Park Arts in the Park performance of the PebbleRock Band. There was a huge crowd and a wonderful time was had by all as they listened and rocked to their most beloved oldies!