Chase Hardin, Political Manager for the Mark Kelly for Senate Campaign joins Bob Conley, PC Democratic Club President and Chuck Veltri, Club Vice President.
Alisa Moore
The first ever May meeting of the PC Democratic Club welcomed Chase Hardin, Political Manager for the Mark Kelly for U.S. Senate Campaign. Chase is from Goodyear, has been educated in local schools and is very familiar with the West Valley. He still lives in Litchfield Park. After high school he attended George Washington University in Washington DC for their International Affairs program. During his sophomore year, the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary happened. Devastated and motivated to act, he contacted Gabby Giffords’ office and asked to participate in the America for Responsible Solutions organization, now called the Giffords’ Organization, that she and her husband organized after she was shot. He interned and then became a Fellow. Part of his responsibilities involved teaching candidates how to talk about gun violence smartly. He said that the 2018 election cycle went well and that for the first time in decades, we outspent the NRA.
Mark formally launched his campaign on February 11, 2019, and it is going very well according to Chase. A military brat and a naval officer, Mark has lived all over, but he loves Arizona and their home in Tucson. He still works on gun violence solutions issues with the Giffords’ Organization, serves as an astronaut and is running his campaign. Chase is a liaison to individuals, organizations and community folks. He noted that Mark is committed to running an effective, efficient campaign. They are just getting volunteer efforts organized and welcome contacts. The campaign email is https://markkelly.com.
In closing, Chase cautioned voters to listen to what the candidates say and watch what they do rather than to be persuaded by their campaigns and talking heads. He also said that for the first time, he senses lots of excitement and energy out in the West Valley and believes it is time for everyone to take the Democrats in the West Valley seriously.
In other business, Irene Arango explained the Right to Speak online process and that trainings in the system will begin in January. She provided information on Legislative District 13, which is the home district of the PebbleCreek Democratic Club. LD 13 meets on the second Monday of each month in Buckeye at the Holiday Inn Express at 6:30 p.m. Meetings start at 7:00 p.m. and are open to anyone interested. There are three active committees in LD 13, and all have chair people in PebbleCreek: Voter Outreach, Irene Arango; Fundraising, Mary Kay Utecht; Communications, John Moore.
For more information on the PebbleCreek Democratic Club and its many activities, please visit our website https://pcdemclub.org/. Our next club meeting is September 4. Social hour begins at 6:00 p.m. and the meeting is at 7:00 p.m. at the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse. There are events going on all summer.