John Aycock
After more than five years’ service to our PebbleCreek Community Church [PCCC] and to our community as a whole, Pastor Dennis Kizziar has decided to retire. He and his wife Joan plan to return to their home state of Oregon, and they will take with them the good wishes of the congregation for their hard work and excellent service here.
The Board of Elders of PCCC, with the approval of the congregation, has formed a Succession/Search Committee to find our next pastor. The committee members have a broad background of Biblical knowledge, administrative experience, and personnel experience. Chaired by John Aycock, the other members are Joe Arnold, Ed Becker, Steve Kirk, Mary McFarland, Patti Modderman, Susan Preston and Roberta Thompson.
The committee first surveyed our congregation, and held several in-home discussion meetings, to identify the preferred talents and qualities of the new pastor. Soon the committee will begin a national search to identify potential candidates, and then proceed to deciding which ones most closely match our congregation. The committee hopes to be able to recommend a new pastor to the congregation by fall.
PCCC has met every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom for more than 20 years. Our mission statement is “PebbleCreek Community Church is a nondenominational caring church that proclaims the Bible message of the living Christ.” All PebbleCreekers are invited to join us Sunday mornings for worship followed by coffee and fellowship. We welcome visitors every week. Our website is