
Judy Hauger What a fun-filled 14-night cruise on the Celebrity Millennium for six friends as they discovered all the sights and experiences of Hong Kong, China, Halong Bay, Vietnam, Chan May (Hanoi) Vietnam, Chan May (Danang) Vietnam, and Phu May (Ho Chi Minh) Vietnam, as well as Bangkok, Thailand and Singapore! Memories to last a…

Denim and Diamonds Dinner Dance

Nancy Herrem April is here, and before all the snowbirds start leaving for the summer, it’s time for PebbleCreek Ballroom Dance Club’s (PCBDC’s) big spring event. Their “Denim and Diamonds Dinner Dance” held on Saturday, April 21, in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. The evening begins at 5:00 p.m. with a no host bar and sale…

Pet of The Month

Marge Mullman Louie will be ten years old on August 6 of this year. He has always lived in PebbleCreek, but with two different mommies. His first mommy was my best friend, Rose Barry. She became very ill at the end of last year and passed away on December 15, 2017. Being we were such…

Cribbage results

Sandy Clinton The Cribbage Club meets every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. in the Sienna Room, Tuscany Falls. The Cribbage Club is open to all PebbleCreek residents interested in playing a friendly game of cribbage. If you have a cribbage board and deck of cards please bring them with you. Here is our winners report: From…

Handmade Pottery class

Jeff Wilson The March Handmade Pottery class proved once again that folks in PebbleCreek love expressing their creativity in clay and glaze. Everyone in the class made a minimum of four beautiful functional and sculptural projects including patterned bowls, large platters with appliqued embellishments, a traditional Japanese-style bottle and a patterned and appliqued luminaria. Examples…

Pottery Club featured artist

Jeff Wilson Affectionately known around the Pottery/Sculpture Club as the birds, balls and bowls lady, the Pottery Club featured artist for April is the Canadian born and recently naturalized US citizen, Ane Aune. Ane said after retiring and an extensive search for “an artsy and golfing community that would serve both hubby and me,” they…