Taking Action to Support Older Adults

R.O.S.E., Resources/Outreach to Safeguard the Elderly World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), observed annually in June, highlights the critical issue of elder abuse and the importance of safeguarding the dignity and rights of older adults. As global demographics shift toward an aging population, addressing and preventing elder abuse becomes increasingly urgent. One of the most…

Wine Club Summer Events

Debbie George There are lots of new events on the horizon for the wine club, which is a good reason to join or renew your membership. Following are some of the upcoming events that you can put on your calendar: * July 16—Hawaiian themed buffet with music * Aug. 20—Small plates and good wines with…

Hikers Brave the Heat

Lynn Warren On June 6, the 80th anniversary of D-Day, nine “D” hikers enjoyed a relatively easy but scenic 4-mile loop in Estrella Mountain Regional Park just 20 minutes south of PebbleCreek. During the summer months, hikes start as early as 5:30 a.m. to beat the heat, which was very appropriate for this hike since…

PCMGA Tourney: Schunke & Schwartz Do It Again!

Howie Tiger Kelly Schunke and Paul Schwartz were the overall winners of the 2024 PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association (PCMGA) 27th annual Member/Guest Tournament. They had previously won in 2022. The tourney was held on April 24, 25, and 26, playing the East and West courses at Tuscany Falls. One hundred and four 2-man teams competed…

Spring and Summer Hikers

Dana Thomas PebbleCreek Hiking Club members getting out in the late spring and summer have the pleasure of seeing ironwood trees and saguaro cacti in bloom. The club has regularly scheduled hikes year round; see pchikers.org for more information. Pictured here on a trail in the White Tank Mountain Regional Park are, from left to…