Kare Bears’ Korner

Your heart is working hard for you. Take care of it! Linda Jo Orinski, Program Director for Kare Bears Your heart works hard for you nonstop for your whole life. So, show it some TLC. Making small changes in your habits can make a real difference to your ticker. It’s like finding the fountain of…

LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek

LLL season in full swing LLL has been busy since October offering great programs, and February and March will continue with a great variety of programs. We couldn’t do it without our dedicated volunteers and the generosity of donors in the community, whose gifts help to keep our wheels turning. Thank you for your support…

News from the Shalom Club

Laurie Rosenbloom There was a special showing of the classic, The Big Lebowski, at Harkins Estrella Falls. The movie discussion group attended this showing on January 22 organized by Steve Shaffer. Steve is working on a “golf and dine” for either February or March. Please contact him if this interests you at [email protected]. If you never…

PCM9GA focuses on giving a helping hand to those in need

PCM9GA, the Golfing Niners, are not just one of PebbleCreek’s major golf groups that focus on the game, having fun, and meeting new friends. The Niners are also committed to give back to worthwhile endeavors. This year they identified two groups to which they would provide support. Bruce Hulbert, Treasurer of the PCM9GA says, “In…

State Parties

Canada Party The Canada Party is scheduled for Sunday, March 10, 2019, from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at the Jack and KT Tanner residence (2561 North 164th Drive).Plan to join fellow Canadians living in PebbleCreek for conversation, reminiscing and just a good time! Entrance is $10 per person. Beer, wine and soft drinks provided. Please bring a heavy…