PebbleCreek Quilters Create an Elephant!

Cynthia Schwartz Diane Rottman, a member of the PebbleCreek Quilters Club, taught a two-day Paper Piecing class for advanced quilters. Attendees created an elephant using colors of their choice and sewing 244 pieces of fabric. Paper Piecing is a technique used by quilters to easily sew complex designs. The method uses a paper template, folding fabric, sewing…

January Genealogy Club News

Denise Beeson and Patti Wehrs Join us for the new year on Monday, Jan. 8 from 9 a.m. to noon in the Eagle’s Nest Palm Room. “I really believe it is important to hear what our elders share with us while they are alive and honor the stories of their life and of those who were before them. If…

T.T.T. Chapter Q News

Ronnie Levine Chapter Q proudly received the Violet Award in recognition of our generosity to the Project Fund of the National T.T.T. Society for the 2021-2023 Biennium. We distributed holiday gifts to all the girls we have sponsored who still attend Heritage Elementary, which serves K-8. The recipients were very touched and grateful. Also, Chapter…

Gimme Girls Celebrate Christmas

The Friday Gimme Girls celebrated Christmas on Dec. 8 by playing a fun golf game called Christmas Jumble, which had a scramble, best balls, and various other challenges. Afterwards, they enjoyed a Christmas luncheon at the home of Cheryl Skummer. Cheryl and her committee members, Diane Galewski, Emma Mosely, Karin Smith, and Diana Wolf prepared three homemade soups,…