Care Bears Officers and Directors for the coming year are seated from left to right: Communications Director Sue White, President Mary McMahon, Health and Wellness Director Mary Lou Frisbie; Standing: CFO/Treasurer Rod Grabau, Corporate Secretary Myla Houle, Program Director Tom Bashwiner, First Vice President Corrine Adams and Second Vice President Tom Meek.
Generals, September 2014
Kare Bears announces elected officers for 2014-2015
Clubs & Classes, September 2014
See you in September
Brenda Hyman “When the summer’s through—.” The Shalom Club meetings, events and fun begin again in September. Our members have been vacationing, enjoying the sunshine and keeping cool but are now eager to get back into the swing of things. A jam packed and awe inspiring agenda is on tap for the next four months.…
September 2014
PebbleCreek Czech Chicks – Prague to Vienna – June 2014
Winning the lottery was the goal of several PebbleCreek ladies that started every Friday morning with a bike ride. The first stop on our 12 to 15 mile weekly ride was always to purchase a group lottery ticket. The last stop was lunch where we would have fun discussions on how to spend our anticipated…
September 2014
Women’s Softball is coming to PebbleCreek
Paula Handrup If you’ve ever played softball in high school, college, recreational or senior softball then we want you! Our women’s team will travel in the West Valley to play other adult communities and also on our own PebbleCreek field. The season runs November through March involving bimonthly Saturday only games. Talented (but a little…
September 2014
TTT Chapter Q Camper send off
Judi Moore The ladies of TTT Chapter Q sent four very excited girls to summer camp on June 15. They attended the Willow Springs Girl Scout Camp for the entire week. We were able to pay for all their clothing, equipment, toiletries and camp fees because of your support in the success of our February…
September 2014
Please join our family of volunteers
Do you enjoy meeting and getting to know your neighbors? Do you enjoy helping others? Are you looking for an activity that you and your significant other may enjoy together? If the answer to these questions is yes, Kare Bears needs you! Paws and ask yourself if you have just one or more hours per…