Award winning musician Mark Hayes attends PC Singers concert

Our own Mrs. Gail Kennedy, director of the PebbleCreek Singers, was surprised by the appearance of Mr. Mark Hayes, a well known conductor/composer, at the opening night of the Singers’ Annual Holiday Concert. Mr. Hayes is one of Gail’s favorite composers and had arranged five of the musical selections performed by the Singers that evening.

Donna Swagger No PebbleCreek Singers Christmas Concert would be complete without a surprise, and this year’s concert was no exception! Award winning concert pianist, composer, arranger and conductor Mark Hayes attended the opening night performance of the PC Singers’ Christmas Concert. Director Gail Kennedy and all but four chorus members were unaware of his presence.…

2 Your Health – Arizona Orthopedic Physical Therapy

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the PebbleCreek Post dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing…

PC Hikers scale Superstition Peak

Left to right: Neal Wring, Bill Plesha, Les Reister, Gary Bray, Clare Bangs, Marilyn Reynolds and Lynn Warren (photographer) near the summit of Superstition Peak.

Lynn Warren How often do you get to look down on Weaver’s Needle without being in a plane or balloon? On November 13 seven B Hikers did just this by completing one of the most difficult hikes in the valley, going from Hieroglyphic Canyon to the top of Superstition Peak (5,057 feet); the highest point…

PebbleCreek welcomes new Director of Golf

Director of Golf Jason Whitehill

Vickie Hamilton Welcome to Jason Whitehill, PebbleCreek’s new Director of Golf as of December 1, 2014. Jason holds a Class A PGA membership and has over 18 years’ experience working at a multi-course community similar to PebbleCreek. “We are thrilled to have a golf professional of Jason’s caliber join our PebbleCreek team,” announced General Manager…

Hats Off to Spring with new board members

T.T.T. Chapter Q 2015 Board Members: Judi Moore, Penny Schneider, Martha Bergman, Emma Mosley and Loretta Pruett

Judi Moore February 28 is just around the corner and we are in high gear getting ready for the best yearly fundraiser ever! Our theme is Hats Off to Spring and 350 wonderful ladies who already bought tickets and made our fundraiser a sellout are in for a real treat! Our beautiful raffle baskets, Dillard’s…